Tuesday 28 February 2023

Off to Florida We Go (Feb.14, 2023)

We were up super early this morning, 3 am.
I thought it would be tough to get up but I was so excited that it wasn't hard at all.
I was able to get a few hours of sleep as well so that was awesome.

We caught the shuttle and when we arrived at the airport, there was a huge line up at the Air Canada counter but a very kind man that worked there saw we had two little ones with us (Freya and Zepplyn) and he took us right up to the front of the line which was awesome (the Nexus line so we didn't actually but in front of everyone).

So we made it through there and security with no issues, found our gate and got settled waiting for our flight.

Freya and Jason kept busy coloring.

Having some snacks!

The new pads I got for them to draw.
I love the long curly hair she draws on all of her girls.

A kitty she drew - love it.

Zepplyn kept busy Cartwheeling in the airport.

Haylee had a nap and Kody drank lots of coffee.

The moving sidewalks were great fun for the girls.

And we're off!

Our flight left on time and we made it to Toronto where we had a bit of a layover.

So we decided to get a bite to eat, we found this place, Hearth.

It's by Chef Lynn Crawford, I really like her so we decided to give it a go.

It was fairly busy.
We walked by someone that had a giant dish of linguini and it looked really good.

I love these simple lights.

The gang all ready for Florida and sunny weather.

While we ate, we all discussed which Disney characters we are all looking forward to meeting.

Zepplyn is a HUGE Stitch fan so no surprise that is who she is looking forward to meeting.

I was good and started my trip off with a delicious salad.
The dressing was light and they put just enough on - I hate when a salad is sopping with dressing.

After we ate, we found our gate for our next flight and Kody, Haylee and Crystal hung out there with our stuff while we took the girls to burn off some energy.

Zepplyn pulled Freya around on her little rolling suitcase for a bit.

Freya thought that was great fun.

Zepplyn enjoyed it too although I think it was getting a bit tough for her at the end.

When they grew tired of that, they decided to test out the moving sidewalk.
We only let them when nobody else was around using them.

It was quite the novelty for them.

Friends for life these two.

Working off some of that energy since we are going to be stuck in another plane soon for a few hours.

Back and forth they went.

I wish I had their energy.

Slowing down a bit.

They tuckered themselves out.

Having a rest with Mom and Dad.

She wanted to sit with us on the flight so we traded places with Kody and Haylee.

Playing with my tablet on the plane.

It was another uneventful flight, just the way I like and we landed in Orlando right around 8 pm.
We made our way to the luggage carousel and I left them all there to get the luggage and went down and got in the line up for our rental van.

Good thing I did - the line up was crazy and only got crazier while I waited.
I think I was there for about an hour and a half but finally I got our vehicle.

Because it was taking me so long, everyone else found the food court in the airport and went to get a bite to eat while they waited for me.

Freya had pizza.

I think Kody and Haylee tried a couple things.

Crystal had Chick-Fil-A.

Once I figured out where our vehicle was, I met them there and had a bite to eat as well.

I had a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a and it was delicious.

Looking forward to spending some time in the Sunshine State.

We left the airport and headed to our hotel room.
We only get our VRBO starting tomorrow at 4 pm so I just booked a couple rooms in a hotel that was supposed to be near the airport - it was not.
It was about a 40 minute drive away.

When we got there, it was late and we were all tired so we pretty much just when to our rooms and went to bed.


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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