Tuesday 28 February 2023

Last Minute Prep for Florida Trip (Feb.13, 2023)

Weigh In Day.


I was 212.6 lbs.

That's 1 lb down from last week which I'll take.

I know it's going to go up right away here since we are heading out on vacation but that's ok.

I'm going to enjoy myself while I'm on vacation - do some eating but do some exercising as well.

Then when I get back it will right back at it again.

I had a busy day at the office - I wanted to make sure I was leaving a clean slate so I made sure my desk was all cleaned off, my inbox was all cleared out, everything was taken care of.

I know I'll be coming back to piles of work but that's ok.

I did a speed workout today as soon as I got home from work as that's what was on the training plan.

Felt good to get it done and out of the way.

Speed workout - Nailed it! 

After my workout, I finished packing my suitcase and did some cleaning up around the house.
Siobhan also came by to meet the kitties and I showed her where everything was for when we are gone.
She is going to watch the kitties for us - feed them and check on them everyday.

We fly out tomorrow very early so we are heading into the city tonight.
Jason got off a bit early but it was still later when we headed in.

Kody, Haylee, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn are all on the same flight as us and they headed in a bit earlier and went for ramen.
When we got there, we met them at the hotel and Jason and I took our car and Crystal's over to the Park N Fly to drop them off.
We planned on walking back to the hotel but the folks there wouldn't hear of it and insisted on driving us back to the hotel which was super nice of them because they didn't have to at all.

Back at the hotel, we hit the hay right away.
Our flight leaves at 6 am which means we need to be to the airport by 4 which means we have to be on the shuttle at the hotel by 3:25.
So we won't get a full nights sleep but a few hours is better than none.

I am so excited - off to sunny Florida tomorrow - can't wait!

Haylee posted this picture of Freya and Louie - so sweet.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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