Friday 10 February 2023

Challenging Myself (Feb.9, 2023)

So this week is trucking right along and Florida trip is getting closer and closer.

I've been forgetting to take pictures but I've been working on my latest set of bells here and there and they are coming along.
They are ready for me to darken up the 'corroded' spots then one more coat of metallic and they should be good to go.
Hopefully I can get to that tonight.

I was able to make it out for a walk to the road this morning.
The fresh air is such a pick me up.

The kids didn't have school today and Adrien and Mel were both working so he asked me if I could drop over at lunch to check on the kiddos.
Hunter was just playing games and Alivia being a typical teenager was still sleeping.
Hunter was hungry so I popped over to Subway and got them both subs, got myself one too while I was there.
I ran a few other errands at lunch time then it was back to work for the afternoon.

I've been trying to keep my inboxes really clean and get everything done before we head out.
I know I'll get lots while I'm away but at least it will be starting from a clean slate.

After work, I added the dark paint to the 'corroded' spots on my bells (forgot to take a picture).
Then I went right down to get my workout done.

I had to run 2.5 miles (4k) - I'm always flip flopping back and forth between miles and km's.
It felt not too bad.
I ran the first mile at a speed of 4.0 then bumped it up every minute or so when the second mile started until I got to 4.5.
It felt really tough so I thought I'd bump it back down but I only got to 4.4 and told myself, "Self - it's supposed to be hard sometimes and I need to challenge myself" so that's what I did.

I made myself stay at the 4.4 for the rest of the run, I even bumped it back up to 4.5, 4.6 and even 4.7 near the end.
I feel like if I don't challenge myself sometimes, I won't progress and it always feels so wonderful to conquer the challenge.

Sweaty and proud!

Video check in for today.

One thing I really need to do is to start running outside again.
I'm planning on trying to run outside on Saturday - weather permitting.
Even if I don't, we'll be in Florida next week and we'll definitely be running outside once we get there.
That may be a nice way to get back into it.

When Jason got home, he headed out for a run and I did some more work on my bells.
All that's left on them now is to repaint the insides - I put my hands in them to hold them while I paint them and some of the paint has been coming off.
The paint has been coming off the bottom of the bells as well so I need to fix that.
Then I need to paint the clackers and attach them then this bunch are ready.

I plan on using them in some wreaths next year.

Jason got this cute picture of our kitties looking so regal and majestic this evening.

He also showed me this video he took the other night.
Freya just cuts open any squishie she can get her hands on to see what is inside.
This one happened to be Hunter's (oops) but we'll get him another one.
Jason really likes to encourage her curiosity and I think that is wonderful.

I tried to book some character dining for Disney but it is all booked up for the whole time that we are there unfortunately.
I guess I should have looked at doing that sooner, I really didn't think it would be totally booked.
Kind of a bummer but not much that I can do about it now.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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