Monday 13 February 2023

Flip Flop Ready! (Feb.11, 2023)

 I woke up early this morning and went and had a nice, long soak in a hot bath.

I did my hair and boy, does it ever have a lot of volume!

I made appointments for Haylee, Morgan, Freya and I to all get pedicures in Whitecourt first thing this morning.
Haylee texted in the morning to say she wasn't feeling well but Freya could still go so we picked her up and off we went.
They had our chairs all prepared for us and Freya was excited but then when we got there, she decided that she didn't want to get her toenails done for some reason.

Morgan was all about getting hers done though, as was I.

She did sit in the chair and soak her feet though.

Getting ready for flip flops!

She ended up deciding to get her nails done instead.

She was pretty happy with them.

They were pink with little hearts on them and they are shellac so hopefully they will last.

I got the nice pale pink color I like with little hearts for valentines day - I love them.

Afterwards we stopped at Walmart so I could get a few things we needed for the trip.
I got Freya a booster seat to take with us and I also got her some headphones for the plane.
Morgan ordered some sushi so we went in to pick that up and I had a bowl of miso soup and Freya and I shared some Teriyaki noodles.

I did stop and pick up some thinner twine for my bells too so I finished them up as soon as I got home.

I'll put them all away now until next Christmas and try to use them in a wreath or something.

I was supposed to run 5 miles today but I didn't really feel like it so I decided to skip it and push it to tomorrow.

I did need a few steps to get to my 13000 though so I walked on the treadmill for a short time.

I spent most of the day working on laundry so that I could pack tomorrow and just house cleaning and stuff.
Freya was there so she &  I hung out.
She wanted a bath so I let her play in there for a bit then I washed, brushed and braided her hair.

I kind of thought she would be spending the night but later my son came over to pick her up.
He was in a cranky mood for some reason and Freya did not want to go at first but I convinced her and she was fine with it when they left but it kind of had me upset for the rest of the night for some reason.
I think because I didn't feel like there was any reason for it.

Anyway - Jason and I watched some One Bite before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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