Tuesday 7 February 2023

Weigh In Day and Mom Gets Tatted Up! (Feb.6, 2023)

So weigh in this morning went kind of how I expected.

I was 213.6 lbs.

That's up .8 lbs from last week.
I did eat well yesterday and tracked all my points and I plan on doing so again today.

I got out for a walk to the road and back this morning.

When I went home for lunch, Frank was all curled up on the back of the couch soaking up the sun.

Paddington was sitting on the bed like he was a person.

Haylee posted a cutie patootie picture of she and Freya this morning.

She'd dropped Freya off with Jason when she went to work so when I went home for lunch, Freya was there.

I wanted to brush her hair and at first she wouldn't let me.
So I took a picture of the tangles to show her that it really needed it and amazingly, that worked and she let me go ahead.

It really wasn't that bad so it didn't take me long to get it brushed.
I tried my hand at some partial french braids.

I think it turned out pretty good.

I headed back to work and Jason and Freya bundled up and headed out for a walk.
She took her baby with her.

They went to the store and she got some treats of course.

Then they went to Swan Palace to have some soup.
They were there still when I got off work so I stopped by there and met up with them

We were driving home and Freya got excited because she saw the 'Black Berry' and she really wanted to go there.
Jason and I were really confused, we had no idea what the Black Berry was.
Jason finally figured it out though, she was talking about the Library.

So we took her over to the library - it was actually closing but the librarian (whose name also happens to be April and we share the same birthday as well) was working on a grant so she said we could come in and have a look around.

It was my first time being in the library here in town.
I'd forgotten how much I like the library.
Back before cell phones and Google, I used to spend a lot of time in the library.

From there we headed back home.
Jason made supper and I jumped on the treadmill.

I'm repeating week #2 on the training plan because somehow I miscalculated and it's actually 14 weeks to the half marathon.

So today's workout was:

10 minutes Easy
10 minutes Tempo
10 minutes Easy

I did the Easy at 3.7 and the Tempo at 4.2.

It felt a bit hard today but doable.

My video check in for today.

While I was on the treadmill - Freya and Nanny were hanging out and this happened.

I love the eyebrows.

She even gave her a couple of tatts!
Mom just lets her and normally it just washes right off but we realized too late that Freya did today's drawings with a sharpie.
Mom was able to get it scrubbed off her face thankfully but she's still sporting those awesome tattoo's for now.

Jason made us salmon, cauliflower and salad for supper and the salmon was amazing.
I tracked my points and stayed on plan today so felt good about that.

Kody and Haylee are both working tomorrow and Jason is off so Freya is going to spend the night with us again.
She was just wired tonight and had Jason playing non-stop.
It was hard to get her to settle down and go to bed, I think it was 10:30 before we got her into bed then after 11 before she finally laid down and went to sleep.

So I can't believe I did this but I went to bed without checking to see if I'd reached my 13,000 steps and as you can see, I did not.
I was so bummed when I realized and I was so close, it would have been so easy to get the rest of the steps.

Jason suggested I make myself a daily reminder on my phone and I think I'm going to do that.

Anyway, that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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