Monday 6 February 2023

House Hunting, Sepps and That Dress Costs How Much? (Feb.3, 2023)

Work was busy this morning.

I got a call from my boss letting me know that we'll be getting bonuses again this year.

We'll be getting less than last year but it's still better than nothing so that was good news.

Jason had lined up an appointment to look at a house in Westlock that his parents are interested in.

It was a cute little place.

The kitchen was a nice size.

It needed some work though.

The dining room had a whole wall of smoked mirrors - Not my taste but easy to fix I'm sure.

It had two bathrooms - a main one and an en suite off the primary bedroom.

A little out of date but workable.

The closets all had shelves in theme which was nice.

It had a pretty big back yard, a basement with all kinds of room - looked like the person who lived here prior may have done wood working down there - there were workbenches all over.
The garage was lined with shelves, so lots of storage.

It did need some work - the carpets would likely have to come up and then some of the electrical in the basement looked kind of sketchy but it could be a fun project.

Jason took some video to send to his mom.

We spent about a hour and a half in there then we headed into the city.

We made a few stops to do some shopping then we headed to Sepp's for some supper.

They just started doing a Vodka pie so we ordered that.

We also ordered our favorite Double Pepp too.

The Vodka one would have been better if it had less cheese - the cheese kind of overpowered the vodka sauce.
It was good but the Double Pepp is still our all time favorite.

I still needed a bunch of steps so we decided to head over to the West Edmonton mall.

Jason found this cute little dress he picked up for Freya for our trip to Florida which is coming up so fast.

I saw this dress and immediately loved the pattern.
It was little cats in astronaut uniforms.

When I saw the price, I thought maybe it was a mistake.
But there were three more of them on the rack and they all had the same price.
It was Gucci but still.
Completely out of my price range, that's for sure!

We checked out Sport Check - I was hoping to find myself a new pair of Nike Alphaflys but no luck.

I did manage to get all my steps in though so the trip was successful.

We headed over to check into the hotel - we are staying at the Coast downtown - I like staying there - it's a good place to go running and I'm planning on running outside tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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