Monday 13 February 2023

Packed and Ready To Go (Feb.12, 2023)

 I woke up when Jason was getting ready for work so I just got up.

I was still upset about last night even though nothing even really happened - I don't know why I couldn't shake it.

I made myself a coffee and found something to watch.

I decided to watch Pamela: A Love Story.
It was actually pretty good - I enjoyed learning more about her.

I was supposed to run 8k yesterday but I moved it to today so I figured I'd go down and get that knocked out right away.

I forgot to take a picture of my stats on the treadmill but it took me 1 hour and 13 minutes to run it.
I started at a speed of 4.0 on the treadmill (which is equal to about 15 minutes per mile) then I bumped it up a little, to 4.1 then 4.2.
I even had it up as high as 5.0 right at the very end just to get it over with because the last couple minutes were feeling tough.
Always feels so good to get it done though.

My video check in for today.

I have one more workout here tomorrow - I'm going to do it on my lunch then after work tomorrow we'll be heading to the city.
We fly out early on Tuesday and it will be a full day of flying so my Tuesday workout I'll push to Wednesday this week.

Jason made burgers for the guys at work today.

Looks so good.
He asked if I'd like him to bring me one home for supper - Yes Please!

I remembered to take a picture of my plan so I'd know what I needed to run while we are away.
I'm really looking forward to getting some outdoor runs in.

I was scrolling through Facebook and came along this.
I used to love Strawberry Shortcake dolls and I had a bunch of them.
I had them in a garbage bag when we went on a trip one time and they accidentally got thrown away unfortunately - I was so devastated.

I had a pretty quiet day.
I got my packing done and ready to go for tomorrow.
I had a hot bubble bath.

I did some more cleaning around the house.
The girl (Siobhan) who is going to be watching our kitties while we are gone dropped over to meet them, get instructions and the key.
Normally I have a family member do that but we are all going so that won't work this time.
I felt restless but I didn't know what to do with myself.

I cooked a few fries for myself in the air fryer to go along with the burger Jason brought home for me which was delicious by the way.

Then we had an early night.
One more day and then we are off to Florida - can't wait for that sunshine!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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