Friday 3 February 2023

Freya Gets Crafty (Feb.2, 2023)

 It was another chilly morning out there - it is supposed to warm up a little today though so I skipped going for a walk in the morning, figured I'd go this afternoon instead.

Freya and Jason were busy crafting this morning, she made his hand into 'Thing'.

She just loves making stuff.
It turned out pretty good.

Jason ordered a watch with a tracker in it for Freya for when we go to Florida and it arrived today.

It's kind of amazing how quickly things get here sometimes.

Jason found some bran muffin mix on sale so he picked it up and he's going to make some.

I LOVE bran muffins but they are kind of high in points.

It did warm up slightly and I got out for my walk to the road and back this afternoon.
I was bundled up pretty good too.

Jason was going to drive Freya to dance in Barrhead but just before they were supposed to leave, she crashed.
She had a late night last night and they went hard all day so she was just tuckered.
So Jason decided to just let her sleep and skipped dance for today.

Jason cooked a roast pork for supper and he made salad and potatoes to go along with it, it was super good.

I had to run 2.5 miles today so after supper, I hopped on the treadmill.
I started off at a speed of 4.0 but the training schedule said 2.5 miles Easy so I decided to bump it down to 3.5 for the speed since that was the easy pace I ran at the other day.

It felt hard, not sure if it's because I ate supper before I worked out or if it was the speed.
Sometimes I find it's almost harder to run when you are going slower if that makes sense.
I got it done and that's the main thing!

I realized I messed up on with the dates and the marathon training - it's actually 14 weeks until the marathon and the plan is a 13 week plan so I'm just going to repeat this week.
I'm not sure how I managed to do that?

My video check in for today.

When I went upstairs, Haylee was there picking up Freya so I didn't really get to spend any time with her this evening.
I think we are going to take her with us to the city tomorrow night though so we'll have plenty of time together then.

Mel was able to get flights booked and she was working on booking Universal and Disney last night.
It's not very user friendly and she was having trouble with the last step for DIsney.

She was sending me screenshots and I think all looks good but she's going to call them tomorrow just to make sure.

Jason and I had some popcorn and watched some One Bite Pizza reviews before calling it a night.
I haven't been tracking as diligently as I should but I'm eating good - I think I'm staying on track but hard to know for sure when I'm not tracking.

We do plan on having a treat tomorrow night in the city - we are thinking pizza maybe.
Sepps is making a Vodka Pie now and we both would like to try it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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