Thursday 2 February 2023

The Cold Winter Weather is Here....Unfortunately (Feb.1, 2023)

 Well we had a lovely January with really mild temperatures but the cold weather is here now.

It was -21 c out there today and a bit on the windy side so I just couldn't bring myself to go out there for a walk.

I dislike being cold very much!

Jason is off today and Freya wanted to go over to visit him - it was too cold for him to walk down to get her so I stopped and picked her up on my way home for lunch.

Jason made hamburger soup for lunch and I also had the other half of my sub from last night with it.

Yum yum!

Jason and Freya were hard at it playing after lunch.
He sent me a few pictures.
Trying on glasses.
(Haylee put some pink in her hair, it just washes out, and I think it looks cute).

He put a bunch of balloons full of colored water along the sidewalk this morning so they could freeze up for her and she could smash them but she just wasn't patient enough to wait for them to freeze all the way.
She still had fun and that was the goal so no biggie.

When I got home from work, I hadn't gotten out for any walks at all so I had a lot of steps to try to get in.
I hopped on the treadmill and walked for a bit.
Jason made us supper, chicken, salad and potatoes - I love when I don't have to worry about cooking a meal.
I had an FCSS meeting and even though it was still really cold, I bundled up really well and decided to walk over there because I still needed a lot of steps.

Mom had a hair appointment at the same time as my meeting so Morgan went with her and Jason dropped them off.

When I got to the town office, Darren was there waiting too but all the lights were off.
He called Trina and apparently the meeting had been cancelled.
Jason was heading to the store so I walked over there and met him.

It was the first time that Mom went to this hair stylist - she has a salon in her basement here in town - and mom really liked it.

She got a lot chopped off the back.
That's what she wanted - it will be much easier to manage for her.
It's hard for her to lift her one arm up very high so now she won't have to as much.

When I got back from picking up Mom, Jason was giving Freya a bath.

She had the jets on so there were A LOT of bubbles.
He washed her hair and just watched to make sure she was ok and I headed down to the treadmill again as I still need a couple thousand more steps.

It took me another 30 minutes of walking to finally get there.
Not doing that walk at work to the road and back really makes a difference.
My hip was bothering me as well so I was walking really slowly.
I'm not sure if it's better to walk slow and take longer or walk at a faster pace so I'm done more quickly?

Anyway, I finally managed to reach my 13,000 steps and it was pretty much bed time by that point.

I did brush Freya's hair and braid it for her before bed - she has school in the morning.
I also  had some snacks.
I picked up a bag of mixed nuts at the store and I ate the whole thing.
I didn't track it and I definitely went over my points allotment for the day.

Darn nuts - I must keep away from them, they are like my kryptonite - I lose all control when I'm around them.

Mel texted and said that her passport came today so she was going to go online now and start booking everything.
Yay - I'm so excited.
I would have been super bummed if she and the kids weren't able to join us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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