Tuesday 7 February 2023

Snuggles All Around and Baking Success (Feb.5, 2023)

I was up fairly early, made myself a coffee and got all caught up on what the Bates have all been up to.

I was playing a game of Sugar Crush on my tablet when little miss woke up and she wanted to snuggle.

Well how could anybody possibly deny that request?

After we made the bed, Paddington and Dakota were doing some snuggling too - from a distance.

I thought this was funny.

I made sure to track all my points today because I feel like I might be up tomorrow.
It may not make a difference tomorrow but it will overall.

I was scrolling on WW a bit and found this neat recipe I'd like to try.

I had to run 5 miles or 8k today.
It was kind of nice outdoors so I likely could have done it out there but I really wanted to try out my new Alphaflys and I didn't want to wear those outside so treadmill it was.

The alphafly's felt just as good as I remembered.
I'm so happy I found these.

I got my workout done, it took me exactly 15 min per mile so an hour and fifteen to do the whole thing.
It felt good.

That's another 8k in the bank.

My treadmill shoe collection.
These are my 'indoor' shoes.
I have more upstairs that I actually wear outdoors.

Dakota moved to the living room floor - he still looks pretty comfortable.

While I was working out, Jason kept Freya busy - they made cinnamon 'rolls'.

She loved dipping them into the egg then into the cinnamon sugar mixture.

They turned out really well.

Nanny and Freya doing the taste test.
(Looks like Mom has a black eye there but Freya was just drawing on it again)

Very proud of her work, as she should be.

Zepplyn was going over to Kody & Haylee's so Kody came to pick her up but she DID NOT want to go home.
I tried to reason with her but the only thing that finally convinced her was her Dad saying that Hunter could come over for a visit too.
She just loves Hunter.

After they left, Jason and I watched this movie, The Estate.
It was about an old rich woman who was dying and she had no children of her own so her nieces and nephews all showed up trying to get into her good graces so they could make it into her will.
It was quirky but funny - I enjoyed it.
I'd give it about a 7 out of 10.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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