Wednesday 1 February 2023

Disney Parks Are Booked - The Countdown is On (Jan.31, 2023)

So kind of a quiet day over here today.

It was lightly snowing all day but that didn't stop me from getting out for a walk to the road and back this morning.
I probably should start wearing my winter coat - I was a little chilly but I survived.

I bought myself a new shovel on my way home at lunch time today - the metal on the one I have is starting to come off so it isn't working properly.
I thought that would give me incentive to shovel when I got home but it didn't.
It was still snowing so I figured I'd wait until after work and do it then.

Instead I went in and put a coat of black paint on the inside of the bells I'm currently working on (forgot to take a picture).

I picked up subs for Jason and I after work.
My plan was to shovel, workout then eat my sub.
It was still snowing though, the wind had picked up and I was cold so I scrapped the shoveling idea.
The snow will all still be there tomorrow.

Instead I went in and hopped on the treadmill.
I had to do a 5k run today.
I wasn't sure how it would go but it was pretty smooth.
I ran at a speed of 4.0 and even bumped it up a little in the last 5 minutes or so.

Love the feeling of a completed workout.

My video check in for today.

I was online today checking out prices for the Disney parks, Universal and Discovery Cove trying to see if I could find deals.
I really couldn't.
Discovery Cove ended up being 350 USD per person so I spoke to Crystal and we scrapped that.
That is just entirely too much to pay to spend the day at the water park.

We figured we'd find something else to do that day when my sister takes the boys there.

We did book Universal though and we got The Magic Kingdom and Disney Hollywood Studios booked as well.
I let my sister know the days we'd booked and she booked her and the boys as well.
Felt like a big 'OUCH' on my pocket book but it will be worth it.

The countdown is on now, only 14 days to go.
I still have a few things I need to do, like booking someone to feed our cats and renting a scooter for mom for the day she goes to the park but aside from that, I'm ready!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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