Monday 13 February 2023

Bells Are Looking Good and Personalized Shades (Feb.10, 2023)

 It was a super busy day for me at work today.

I had a meeting then I also was working really hard to get everything cleaned out of my inbox so that there is less I have to deal with when I get back from vacation.

I actually ended up working late and I didn't get out for any walks at all today.

So I had a lot of walking to do on the treadmill when I got home to reach my 13 000 step goal.

But I did it!

We took Morgan's animals and dropped them off to Tanner tonight.
He is going to keep them while we are away.
Dakota was a bit lethargic today, kind of just laid in the same spot all day long so we were kind of worried.

I finished up my bells tonight - they just need some rope now.

I did have some thicker rope that I put on this one - it was too thick to tie so I hot glued it onto itself but I really burnt my fingers on the hot glue so I scrapped that plan.
I'm heading to Whitecourt tomorrow - I'll pick up some twine/rope that is a bit thinner.

I think they turned out pretty good.

this was my first time trying some copper colored ones and I like how they turned out.

I hot glued some beads on to these sunglasses for Freya.

I think they look kind of cute.

I'm not sure how well the glue will work.
(The very next day, a couple of the beads fell of then the rest just popped right off).

Paddy-Bear was happy to have Jason back to himself.

He just snuggled his chunky self in there.

And that is where he stayed all evening.

What a cute baby!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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