Monday 6 February 2023

Short Run, Farrows, St Albert Trails and New Alphaflys! (Feb.4, 2023)

I slept in a lot later than normal this morning and we have an appointment at the bank at noon so that means I didn't have time to do my 8k run outdoors like I was planning just because I knew it would take me too long.

Jason headed out for a 5k run and I still went out for a walk thinking I'd at least still get some steps in.

I did end up doing a 2k run and OMG - it felt super tough for some reason.

The exercise details.

You can see my splits were pretty slow.

It was better than nothing though and I did get half my steps in that I needed for the day so that was good.

We checked out of our hotel room then walked over to Farrow's - a sandwich shop around the corner.

It's a funky little place - they have two locations.

We've been to the other location before but this was our first time at this one.

Jason bought a new hoodie and I love the color.

I was surprised because he isn't normally a hoodie guy but it looks really good on him.

We ordered the Corn to be Wild to share.

It had chicken on it but it was Vegan so some kind of Vegan chicken but it was delicious.
I've been thinking about it ever since.

There was a coffee place downstairs called Lock and Stock so I went down and got us a coffees.

They had some delicious looking treats.

Those chocolate cupcakes looked pretty good.

I'm a sucker for a scone too so I got the Apple butter one and the herb and cheese biscuit.
I thought we could share, each take a bite and throw the rest of it away but truth be told - I finished them both off tonight when we got home.

They had a pretty good looking menu.

They do biscuit sandwiches too which are right up my alley so next time, we may need to check it out.

We left there and went to the appointment at the bank to get me added to Jason's account.
It took a little bit but we got it done.

Then I had to make a couple of returns to Winners in the St Albert mall.

I had a look at the sneakers on sale in the Sport Check in there and they just so happened to have one pair of Nike Alphaflys and they were my size - what a find!
It must have been fate.

I took some pictures of them when I got home.

Aren't they pretty?

I can't wait to try them out tomorrow.

We decided to leave the car at the mall and walk over to the Italian Super Market to get Morgan a sandwich, we got mom a date square too for a treat.
It was such a nice day for a walk and they have some really nice trails in St Albert.

Someone lost their glove.

We did a bit more shopping then we decided to stop and have some ramen before heading home.

Kozoku is still our favorite so that's where we went and it did not disappoint.

When we got home, I texted Kody to see if Freya wanted to come spend the night and she did so he brought her over.

Jason picked out this dress for her today and I got her the shoes for Florida.
I wanted her to try them on to make sure they fit.

We were calling it a Wednesday Addams dress and she loved it.
She even slept in it.

We picked her up some more hot cheesies - we got through a lot of those around here.
She just loves them.
Look at her little red fingertips.

This cat reminded me of Paddington.
If there is an open suitcase on the bed then he is in it napping guaranteed!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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