Wednesday 8 February 2023

House Hunting with Freya and Gray No More (Feb.7, 2023)

Ever since my niece Morgan has been staying with us, Mom has become especially attached to her dog, Asia.

Looks like Asia is feeling the love too.
Jason sent me this picture this morning, Mom had a shower and Asia sat looking at the door like this the whole time.

Jason picked Freya up from school and she was having a grand old time playing around with her little friends.
This is her somersaulting over the snow bank.

He went to Westlock to look at a couple more houses for his parents and he took Freya with him for the trip.

He took videos at each place for his mom to see - Freya liked this one.
I wish I could have went, house hunting is fun.

I got out for a walk to the road and back this afternoon.
We have been having quite mild weather again and it doesn't hurt my feelings any.

I had an appointment to get my hair done on Thursday but my hair dresser called to see if I could come in today and the answer to that was a huge, resounding YES!

I don't think I've ever let it get this bad before and it's bringing me down honestly.
I'm thrilled to finally be getting rid of the gray.

I got new streaks then a fresh color over everything.
It took some time but Kim and I chatted and got all caught up - it was nice.
I didn't bother to get her to style it when she was done because I knew I was just going home to hop on the treadmill.
Jason and Freya came to the salon just as I was finishing up and met me.

When we got to the house, Hunter was over visiting and Freya was thrilled to see him.
He is so excited to be going to Disney and even more excited that Ethan and Declan are going to be there.
It just made my heart so happy.

I was supposed to do a 5k run but it was around 6:30 when I got home and I was hungry.
So I decided to push my 5k run to tomorrow so I could go ahead and eat.
I did go down and walk on the treadmill after I ate so I could get my steps in though.

Steps all done!
My hair had dried on it's own and it was kind of frizzy so I decided to straighten it.

Morgan ended up helping me and she got it nice and straight for me.

Look at that - No more gray and I LOVE it!

How we spent the rest of our evening - just chillin' with the kitties.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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