Wednesday 22 June 2022

Welcomed to Newfoundland (May 26, 2022)

 After I got our coffees at Timmie's it was pretty much time to board our next flight to St. John's.

It was an express Tim Horton's so no breakfast sandwiches - guess we'll have to eat when we get there.

All boarded and ready to go.
I did end up getting a bit of sleep on the flight which was nice, I normally don't but I really needed it.

We landed in Nfld around 9 am, went and picked up our car rental then headed downtown to look for a place to eat.
Jason found a bagel place that we thought we'd try out.

First thing we had to do was find a place to park - it's always hard to find parking in a downtown area but we ended up finding one not too far from the restaurant.

It was a nice day in St. John's.

I love the old buildings.

Excited to be here even if it isn't for the best reason.

St. John's seems to be a nice city, just like any other city, it is VERY hilly.
I think I'd like to come back another time and spend some time here.
This mural on the side of these stairs was super cool.

It continued on the wall by the stairs.

We found the restaurant, Bagel Cafe.

Looks like it's been around for awhile which is a good sign.

When we got inside we realized that it wasn't really the kind of bagel place we were expecting but more of a restaurant and the decor was really neat.
There was stuff to look at everywhere.

My handsome guy.

They had so many options on the menu, even had toutons.

I love the little colored houses they had painted on the wall going up the stairs to the washrooms.

Such a quirkly little place with stuff to look at every where.

Jason had the touton topped with an egg, baked beans and bacon.

I forget what my dish was actually called but it had fish cakes and fried baloney which is why I ordered it.
I don't have it often but I love baloney.

Excited to tear into my breakfast.
We both really enjoyed our first meal here.

After breakfast, we decided to go for a little walk around.
There are so many old buildings here.

Cute mailbox.

This building looks like it came straight out of South Beach, Miami, with it's Art Deco style.
It kind of feels a little out of place here.

So many cute little places.

It's right along the waterfront here and it was a nice day thankfully.

I love the colorful houses.

Some cool graffiti just like you'd find in any other city.
I'm not sure why I was expecting St. John's to be different?

It's an old city so there are some really old, interesting buildings.

They are building outdoor seating areas all down this street in preparation for the summer.
They close this street off to traffic for a couple months.
I wish I was able to come back and check that out.

It's a very hilly city, good exercise to walk around here.

Mural in downtown St. John's, Newfoundland.

There are all this little alley ways with stairs so you can get from one street to the next and they have names which is kind of neat.

More graffiti.

Ramen place - we'll have to get back to the city and try this place out.

I really like this detail on this building for some reason.

After our walk, we stopped at a Walmart to get a few things then made our way out to Dad and Dee's place, it's about a 45 minute drive from the city.

I have only met Dee a couple of times so I was worried that it might be awkward but it wasn't, we felt welcomed right away.

She showed me this recent picture she had of Dad with his cat, Alvin.
She said if Dad was on the couch then Al was on his lap and he loved kneading his paws in Dad's beard.

It was late and starting to get dark so I wasn't going to be able to make it out for a run today.
It's the first run I've missed since I started following this training plan.
It's not the end of the world though, I'm sure it won't derail my training too much.

Instead of running, we found a place to go have some supper - took a bit to find a place that was still open but we found one not far from us, just in a neighboring community.
I love the building.

It was right off the water.

The decor was very 'Newfoundland'

Just really interesting.

It was very fresh and clean, like they just recently renovated or something.
Very nice.

This was on the wall in the 'bar' area.

The bathroom stalls - so cute.

Long may your big jib draw.
I've heard this expression before but I have absolutely no idea what it means.

I've seen these displays of knots before and I like them - I think they look really cool.

The main restaurant area.
So bright and colorful.

They had a mummer over in the corner.

I love the little fish made of wood slats.

Jason and I shared a bowl of seafood chowder.
It was the thickest chowder that I've ever eater and also quite possibly the best.
It was delicious.

We shared meals like always.
I ordered hot hamburger.

Jason ordered a double burger with a baked potato.
The food was really delicious.

Dee and I.


They had drumstick cheesecake which my friend Bonnie always makes (she happens to be from Newfoundland) so I decided to give it a try.
It was fantastic.

Jason had a slice of strawberry cheesecake.
The strawberries were kind of mushed up and frozen on top which I've never seen before but it was also really delicious.

When we got back to Dee's we just sat and chatted for a while.

This is Dad's dog Ranger, he is old and blind and he keeps sitting at the door every evening waiting for Dad to come home.

Dad loved to read and Dee said Ranger will go get Dad's book and bring it down to his bed with him.

You can see he's done that here, the last book Dad was reading is to the top right there on his blanket.

I know my Dad loved him well - My Dad thought the world of his pets.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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