Monday 20 June 2022

Lots and Lots of Pizza (May 15, 2022)

 I had to run 13k today and I found Central Park to be a bit hilly so we headed over to Flushing Meadows Park for our run today as it is a bit flatter.

We split up - we don't normally run together as Jason is way faster than I am and I don't want to hold him back.

I got about 6k in and realized I had to go the washroom so I made my way over there and I paused my Fitbit while I went but then when I went to start again, instead of unpausing it, I ended it so my totals are in two sections for today.

My exercise details and average heartrate for the first part of the run

My splits and average pace.

I still had to get another 7k run so I started my fitbit and headed out again.
I just kind of ran around the park in kind of the same way that I'd already went.

My exercise details and average heart rate for the second half of my run today.

And my average pace and splits for the second half of the run.
Looks like I slowed down a bit.

I was pretty sweaty and happy to be done.
It was another really nice day out there.

My check in video for today.

I just love the trees so much.

Jason wanted to run a bit more but I was done and luckily there was a food truck there so I got myself a snack and found a bench.

I had a bagel with cream chees and jam, a cold, refreshing bottle of water and a delicious iced coffee - totally hit the spot.

Walking back to the Subway station - that's Met Stadium that you can seed there just behind the subway station.

There was a game going on today so there were lots of people around.

Jason is a bit tuckered after doing another long run today.
We were on the Subway headed back to the room to wash up and change.

I like the view of Manhattan from our room.

This is looking over towards Queens, you can just see one of those flowering trees peeking above that building in the forefront.

There, zoomed in a bit.

We went over to Manhattan - I wanted to get a New York Yankees hat for Morgan.
There was a lids right by Times Square that had one - I'd looked a few other places to see if I could find one that was less expensive but I had no luck.

We considered going to a show and dropped by the TKTS booth.
Pamela Anderson is currently starring in Chicago so we thought that would be neat to see but they had no seats together so we decided to skip it.

Instead we decided to go for some pizza.
We searched places nearby that were on Jason's list to try and Angelo's wasn't too far away so we headed over there.

It was bigger on the inside that it looked - there was a whole upstairs seating section as well.

Happy to be trying some pizza.

We got a white one and a red one, just plain with cheese.
They were good - not exceptionally good, just regular good.

Next we thought we better pop over to Schnipper's - no trip to NYC would be complete without a salted caramel milkshake from Schnipper's.

We did a bit of shopping and I found these sandals I was going to get for Kody for his birthday but the line up ended being super long and I didn't feel like waiting so we left them.

Then we decided to go for some more pizza.
Sauce was another place that Jason had on his list to try.

We got a plain slice, a vodka slice and a red sauce slice.
They were well done but delicious.

Joe & Pat's was close by so we figured why not make it a trifecta pizza day and we headed on over there.

We got a classic.

And a vodka.
Honestly it's hard to tell which is which in the pictures.
They were both good but out of all three places we tried today, Sauce was my favorite.

 My handsome honey.

After filling up at our third pizza place, we just did some walking around taking in the city.
It was such a nice evening.

We made it back to the hotel around 10 pm or so - we were both ok with an 'early' night.
We had pretty good view of Manhattan from our hotel.

It looks so nice in the evening.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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