Saturday 4 June 2022

Flushing Meadows Park, Susuru Ramen and Six on Broadway (May 13, 2022)

 This morning instead of running in Central Park, we decided to head down to where we are supposed to be running the half marathon tomorrow.

That way, we'll have a chance to see where it is and how long it will take us to get there so we can plan for tomorrow.

It is the subway stop right at the Mets stadium but instead of going there,

 you go the opposite way over to Flushing Meadows Park.

Everything is that nice, fresh, spring green color, it looks so pretty, smells nice too.

There was this big globe thing there in the center.
I think it might be called the orb?
Not sure.

Had to get a selfie with it before we parted ways for our runs.

Flushing Meadows Park.

More of Flushing Meadows Park.

I just love it when trees line a road like this.

Had to get a selfie there too.

I had to 7 k today so I just kind of ran around the park not really knowing where I was going but I was meeting Jason back by the giant globe so I figured that would be easy enough to find.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

My video check in for today.

Tried out some new kicks today.

The bark of these trees was so unusual - looked really cool though.

Flushing Meadows Park in spring time.

There was a bust of LL Cool J at the entrance to the park with a getoblaster.
A monument to him for whatever reason.

After we finished running, we headed further down towards Flushing on the subway to go to a bagel place Jason found that makes it's own bagels.
The shop wasn't what we were expecting but the bagel was good.

It was in the China Town area of Queens and we passed by this dumpling place that smelled delicious so we got a few to try.
They were pretty darn good too.

We also passed by a bakery so we went in there and picked a few things to try.
This was a pasty with mango cream in it.

This was a doughnut with red bean curd inside.
The stuff at the bakery was ok, not something I'd rush back for.

We discovered there was a mall nearby so we went there and did a bit of shopping.
There was a Nike outlet store which was awesome - I would have liked to stay there longer but we had a show to get to tonight and we still needed to go back to the room and wash up and change after our run.

We did that then we had enough time to grab some supper before we had to head over to Manhattan so we found a ramen place to try out in Queens, Susuru Ramen.

This picture is misleading because he was super happy to be having some ramen.

All cleaned up and ready for the show.

We tried their chicken gyoza and we both agree that they were the best we'd ever had.

Their chopsticks came in these cute little paper sleeves.

I can't remember now what kind of ramen I had but it was good.
Not as good as my black tonkotsu that I like but still very yummy.

Jason had the Chicken Tantan.

I've seen a few of these flowering trees around - I wonder what kind of a tree it is.

More pretty trees - I'm just a big fan of trees.

Cool graffiti.

This tree had that same kind of bark as the ones we saw in Flushing Meadows Park this morning so I took a close up picture of it.

Random art work on a doorway.

More of the cute little outdoor seating areas built by the restaurants.

They even had little curtains that you could close - how cozy.

I love these green house looking ones - might get kind of warm on a hot summer day.

Just a street shot.

Cool door handle that we saw.

It started to rain so we ducked into a grocery store and got a few things.

 I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie - it was chewy, just the way I like them.
So fantastic.

I also got me a pistachio muffin and it too was delicious.
So glad we don't have these at home - I'd be having one every day.

We sat in the store (it had a little cafeteria kind of area) and ate our treats and by then the rain had let up a bit so we continued on to the theatre for our show tonight.

It kept kind of raining on and off so we just got in the line up a bit earlier than we normally would have and we were close enough to the front of the line that we were covered by the marquis.

Ever since I heard some of the songs from this show I've been wanting to see it.
The songs are so much fun.

Show is about to start.

Selfie before the show ( I happened to be drinking so I had my mask off but I did put it back on).

The show was really great.

It was just the six 'wives' in the cast then a couple of musicians who were actually up on the stage kind of in the back performing.

The songs I'm used to are from the British cast so some of the songs were slightly different but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

One of the 'wives' was even from Manitoba which I thought was kind of neat.

Jen and Adrien are both in Newfoundland right now spending some time with Dee and Jen wrote up an obituary of sorts for the funeral home to post online and they picked this picture to use.
My Dad with his dog, not sure if this is Lady or Ranger but he sure loved them both.

I love his big smile - he was so handsome my Dad.
I just really can't believe that he is gone, I'm never going to talk to him again or hear him call me sweetheart.
I just wish the whole world knew how wonderful of a man he truly was.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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