Tuesday 28 June 2022

Hilly Run and Bad Bones Ramen (May 28, 2022)

We slept in a bit this morning then once we did get up, we sat and visited with Dee for a bit again.
It was after 11 before we finally got out the door for our runs.

It was a bit dreary looking out there.

Temperature wise, really nice.

Dee told me there was this road I could go on that went down by the beach and it looped up to the highway then back to her place so I thought I'd give that a try.

It did take me down to a beach area.

Then the road up to the highway was a very steep hill - I tried to run up it but couldn't make it the whole way so had to walk a bit of it.

There was a little road just next to the house so I went down it just to see where it went and there was a great view of the ocean up there.

I was supposed to run 10k today and I ended up running 11.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.
It was during my 3rd km that I had to walk a bit on the hill.
We are pretty close to sea level here so I thought my average pace would be better but there are also a LOT of hills here, more than at home even and tougher so I'm ok with the 8.2.

My video check in for today.

It cleared up pretty nicely by the end of our run.

This is Dad & Dee's place - I was happy to see it after my run.

We had planned on heading to the city for some ramen today and bringing Dee with us but she ultimately decided to stay home so Jason and I headed in to St. John's.
We did a bit of shopping first.

Then we went to Bad Bones Ramen.

The menu.

Their decor is all this bones theme.

They even had this butterfly skeleton - so cute.

We had gyoza to start - it was super good.

Jason's ramen. - He had the Fried Chicken Curry.

I had the Pork Tantamen.
It's ground up pork and I actually prefer my pork that way.
The ramen was really good - I think black tonkotsu is still my favorite though.

They had mango sticky rice for dessert so we gave that a try.

After our meal, we headed back to Dee's.
We spent the evening just visiting again.

She showed me this picture of Dad when he was in the hospital.

She said that he was on oxygen because he was having a hard time breathing and he was cold so she brought him a blanket from home.

This is likely the last picture that was taken of him.

I so wish I could have seen him one more time.
I loved him so much.

Haylee posted a few pictures and I love seeing them.

Having a family movie night.

Rainy day.
She insisted she needed that umbrella so it's nice to see her using it.

I miss seeing her but we'll be back home again soon.
Can't wait for the day that we can start taking her on some vacations with us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Friday 24 June 2022

Hilly Run, Signal Hill and Cape Spear, Newfoundland (May 27, 2022)

We got up this morning and had coffee with Dee and just chatted for a while.

It was nice, Dee told me lots of stories about Dad which I really enjoyed.

She had some errands to run so while she did that, Jason and I went out for our runs.

First I took Jason into Dad's backyard to have a look at the view.

They are up on a hill that looks out over the ocean and it's gorgeous.

We decided to just run right by Dad & Dee's - it's super hilly but we figured we'd give it a go.

I had 7k to run so I just did an out and back kind of route on their road - the hills were tough but the scenery was beautiful.

My exercise details and average heartrate.
My average pace and splits.
7.33 is not bad considering the toughness of some of the hills.

The view by Dad and Dee's

I took some pictures on my cool down walk back to the house.

They live in a beautiful spot.

Back at the house I found some pictures so I just spent some time looking through them, this is Dad getting presented with an award or something (not sure what).

He was so handsome!

Dee was back from her errands and after we got showered and cleaned up from our runs, we all headed into St. John's so we could take Dee to pick up some forms and do a bit of sight seeing.

The medical office we needed to go to for the forms ended up being closed so we weren't able to get that done so we just went on to Signal Hill to check it out.

Jason and I have both been to Signal Hill before - I was here about 15 years ago when I came to visit Dad and Dee and then Jason's parents brought he and his brother here when they were young.
It was still cool to come check it out again.

Signal Hill, Nfld.

It was a bit of a windy day, especially at the top of the hill there.

Such a spectacular view!

I realized that I'd forgotten to do a video after my run this morning so I figured I'd get that done now.

More of Signal Hill

One last one of Signal Hill - such incredible views.

Every way you look - amazing!

It was breath-taking.

Just look at those houses down there.

Had to zoom in on this place - what a spot to live!
Would be scary during a winter storm though I would think.

Just another shot of us with the tower behind us.

I always like these signs that point in all different directions and tell you the distances to far away places from where you are.

Kind of neat.

I made a quick loop around the top of the hill.

Little bit of history.

It must have been amazing back in 1901 to receive that signal knowing it came across the ocean.
It's still amazing if you think about it really.

This it looking at the other side from the ocean, in at St. John's .

They are known for their colorful houses and I just had to zoom in because these colorful apartment buildings looked so cool.

There are all these stairs and trails around the hill - it would have been nice to check some of them out but Dee is having knee trouble and was waiting for us in the vehicle so we didn't want to make her wait too long.

I did go down one of the sets of stairs a little way - a girl was running up them - kudos to her - they were steep!

I didn't go all the way down but you can see that it went down quite far.
I could see sets of stairs all over.

I would love to come back one day and take the time to do the Lookout Trail.

This is the roadway into the hill.

After Signal Hill, Dee wanted to take us to check out Cape Spear and we had to drive through downtown St. John's to get there.
These are the colorful houses we saw just yesterday.

A souvenir store - I just love the color and I love that they aren't afraid to just go for it with these great, bright colors.

Arriving at Cape Spear.

Cool mural on the side of the wall.

Cape Spear on a grey, windy day.

The waves coming in at Cape Spear, Nfld.

The rugged coast line of Cape Spear - beautiful and dangerous.

The coast line of Newfoundland is so rugged looking - but very beautiful in it's own way.

The rocks along the beach look like they are just covered in slime or seaweed or something, they would be treacherous to walk on, not that I would.

There is something soothing about watching the waves crashing along the shore.

There were some paths that you could walk along and a few lookout spots that we checked out here.

Everyone here seemed to be watching something in the water but we couldn't see anything ourselves so we never did figure out what it was.

My Honey and I at Cape Spear - it was quite windy there too.

It is Point Zero of the Trans Canada Trail - kind of cool.
I wonder where the end point is? BC somewhere perhaps?

Thank goodness I picked up a hoodie at Walmart - it came in real handy.

Dad told me he could see whales in the water behind his house - how cool to be able to watch the whales from your own backyard.

He said he would see lots of icebergs too - I don't think I've ever seen an iceberg in real life.

Cape Spear used to be a military base so there is still some bunkers and stuff around.

The Guns of Cape Spear.

That's a big gun.

Still here but pretty rusted.

I just kind of skimmed over most of this stuff but I did find it kind of interesting.

It was pretty cold and windy here today and this is the end of May so I can't even imagine how cold and dreary it must have been in the winter.
I feel bad for this guy - his ears must have been freezing!

Probably not a soldier's first choice for a posting.

The day planned out for them to a tee.

Anatomy of the Fort.

We didn't visit everything as again, Dee was in the car waiting for us but we did get to see a portion of it.
I kind of wish in hindsight that we'd checked out the light house  - maybe next time.

Yeah, no kidding!
I wonder if they get as many dummies that ignore these warnings as they do in Peggy's Cove?

The drive back to Dee's.
They are about 45 minutes from St. John's but a very scenic 45 minutes so it's an enjoyable drive actually.

I love driving through the towns and villages and seeing all the homes.

Driving near St. John's, Nfld.

Love seeing the water too - I have always found it very soothing.

It was kind of a grey day.

A village/town along the waters edge.
I guess they are all pretty much like that in Newfoundland.

The rolling hills remind me a little bit of PEI - you won't find any mountains there though.

There are towns and villages and homes all along the route from St. John's to Tors Cove.

Driving on the highway between St. John's and Tors Cove, Nfld.

Lots of lakes too - I think they call them ponds here.

Another pretty view.

The road to Dad & Dee's, Saint Michaels Road near Tors Cove, Nfld.

Dad and Dee's place.
I love how quirky it is.

We made reservations at The Captain's Table for supper.

I love the big dory out front, just screams Newfoundland to me.

I had a chicken sandwich and fries.

Jason had the seafood platter - I wanted to try the cod tongues - they weren't that good.

They had sticky toffee pudding so you know I had to have a slice of that for dessert.
It was yummy.

They had a banana cream dessert that Jason tried - it was also yummy!

We spent the rest of the evening just visiting and chatting with Dee.
We both just feel so comfortable here - it's really nice.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!