Sunday 3 October 2021

Weigh In Day and Trip Prep (Aug.30, 2021)

It's officially weigh in day. 

I was 180.4 lbs.
I'm still up .8 from my lowest but I'm feeling pretty good.

That's down 1.8 since my last weigh in.
I was really good this week about tracking my points and staying on plan and it felt good to get back to it.

My short term goal is to get back into the 170's which I'm so close to and my long term is still, as always, to get to half of my starting weight, so 136.5 lbs.
I'm going to do it too! 

The sun was just a shining out there so I got out for walk to the road this morning.

It was a short one because I had a morning full of meetings but it felt good to get out there even if it was only for a little bit.

I was wearing my old lady flowered shirt today.
I call it my old lady shirt but I really love it.

I had 5 meetings in all today, it was crazy.
Plus I was trying to finish up payroll, do month end reporting and catch up on emails before I head out on vacation tomorrow night.

Suffice to say, it was a busy day.

I did drop over to the Hardware at noon to put the wreath I made in my sale display.
I would have liked to make a few more pumpkins before we left but I just ran out of time.

After work, I got ready and headed out for a run.

I wanted to get a nice long one in since I missed yesterday.
I ended up doing 11k.

My heart rate is still staying right at that same range.

My average pace and splits.
I think I'm going to have to start doing a 1 and 1 workout on the treadmill again to work on my speed a bit.
I am happy with how my endurance is coming along.

I cooked up all the veggies we had in the fridge for supper.
I want to get all the perishables cleaned out of the fridge as much as I can before we go.

I also started packing and worked on blogging a little, I'm way behind which always seems to happen when we go on a vacation.
I was hoping to get caught up before we leave but I don't think that's going to happen.
I still have tomorrow so I'm going to give it my best try.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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