Wednesday 27 October 2021

Visit With An Old Friend and More Burger Love (Sept.6, 2021)

I had a couple hours to spend with my sister this morning until she had to head back to NS.

The boys are starting back to school tomorrow so she wanted to be back early enough to get everything prepared then get them to bed at a decent hour.

After she left, we got ready and headed out for a run.
The Confederation Trail just happens to start here in Tignish and it's such a great place to run we figured we might as well take advantage.

My exercise details.

I was amazed by my average pace and splits.
I feel like I'm exerting the same effort as when I'm home, just getting better results.
I guess running at sea level (and flat) really is easier.

After our run, we headed over to visit my friend Paula who used to live in Alberta but moved home to PEI a few years back.
We took Mom with us as she knows Paula as well.

We had to take a step ladder with us so Mom could get in and out of the truck.

Gus was so excited to see us, especially Jason who got right down with him and gave him some good loving.

Look how happy and content he is.

It was so nice to see Paula and catch up.
I really miss her a lot.
She's doing really well and very happy so while I miss her, I'm glad she's here.
At least I know I'll be coming here to visit for the rest of my life so I'll always be able to see her.

She has a new man in her life and they have a company together working on windmills - she does the books but is considering starting to go up on them to do repair work and just got her harness so she can get started.
She's braver than I am, I can tell you that.

We stayed for a good long visit!

We left there and went to look for a place to have supper.
With today being a holiday, we had hard time finding a place that was open and eventually ended up at Backwoods Burger in Tyne Valley.

Mom and I.

I ordered me an extra spicy virgin Caesar and it hit the spot!


They had a Burger Love creation so you know we had to try it out.

The Fighting the Fall burger.
It had some interesting flavors on it, like granola and marshmallow.

Here is the actual ingredients list.

It was an interesting burger - I really liked it but I don't know if I'd consider it a favorite.
I commend them for really going all out and trying some interesting flavor combinations.

We also shared a regular burger.
Both were great and real hamburger patties - par for the course here in PEI.

We also had their bar clam poutine.

We also tried the Spin Dip Fries.
It was fries with local curds, spinach dip, tomato and green onion.
What a great combo.

They had sticky toffee pudding too so you know I wasn't leaving without trying that out.
It was fantastic.

Jason tried their chocolate chip cheesecake.
Not sticky toffee pudding level but still pretty good.

It was our second time eating there and we loved it.
Another spot that we'll try to hit each time we come to PEI from now on.

While it's great being here on the Island, I do miss our little Freya.

Crystal posted some pictures of them all hanging out - I think they went camping, and I was so happy to see them.

So funny - she's always got that bubba with her.

Kody and Haylee.

Someone posted this sculpture on social media - I forget where - I just really liked it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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