Sunday 3 October 2021

Up, Up And Away We Go! (Aug.31, 2021)

We are flying out on the Red Eye tonight and I am sooooo excited.

Also a bit nervous of flying but not enough to stop me! 

It was a bit foggy out there this morning.

I still got out this morning and went for a walk to the road though.
I am not sure if I'll fit a run in today so got to get my steps in where I can.

At lunch time today I took all my pumpkins and my wreath and set them up at the hardware.
I did some other running around that I needed to do as well so I didn't have time to get out for a run.

When I got home from work, I packed and cleaned the house and then I still had a bit of time before Jason was going to be home so I hopped on the treadmill to get a bit of a run in.

I did 29 minutes which was enough to get me sweaty and get me to the 12,000 step mark.

I quickly had a shower afterwards then called Kody to see if he'd bring Freya over to say Good Bye before we headed out.

It's going to be almost 3 weeks before we see her again and we are just going to miss her so much.

Jason was happy to see her when he got home from work - We would have loved it if she could have come with us but that's a little long to take her away from Mom and Dad.

I'm sure in a couple more years we will be taking her on vacations though.

I had taken our suitcases to the car already and got the house in order so we headed out pretty much as soon as Jason got home.

I booked us a parking spot with JetSet - they don't have the WePark option anymore due to Covid so had to go with the YouPark option.

They've also moved to a new location so it was a bit of confusion figuring out where to be for the shuttle to pick us up but we got it.

Security was a breeze and we had some time so we decided to get some supper.

It was super busy there and we waited a long time to order and then for our food to come.

It felt good to be at the airport again getting ready to head out on another adventure - it's been a long time!

We just ordered a quesadilla between is and it hit the spot.

The last few times we travelled I could barely do up the seat belt, I even in fact had to get an extension one time so I'm happy to report that I buckled up with room to spare today.

That felt so good.

Up Up Up and Away we go.

We'll be in NS by morning and I'm looking forward to it so much.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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