Sunday 3 October 2021

Jason Runs to Radium (Aug.23, 2021)

Woke up early, made a coffee and while I was sitting enjoying it, heard Miss Freya crying for a bubba.

So I went in and got her from Mom and Dad, hooked her up with a bubba and got myself lots of kisses.

She was a happy camper as soon as she got that bubba.

After coffee, Jason and I headed out for our run.
I got 6.5k in today.

The exercise details.

I did the route backwards today so I ended up running down the long steep hill instead of up it and that was much, much better.

Jason decided he was going to run from Windermere to Radium this morning which he figured would take him about 2 hours.
He is far more ambitious than I!
He took some pictures along the way - this was one of them.

He made it right out to the Welcome sign for Radium Hot Springs and it did take him right around 2 hours like he expected.
Freya and I were meeting him there in Radium to pick him up.

He got this close up of the ram statue in town while he was waiting for Freya and I to arrive.

He ran over 22k, a half marathon basically - pretty incredible.
He said he really enjoyed it too.

He was starving so we found a place to go have some lunch.
We settled on Horsethief Creek Pub and Eatery.

It had this awesome horse statue out front.

Freya and Papa.
She was being her usual little social butterfly and self and was smiling and waving and saying hi to everyone.

Jason and I had burgers and Freya had chicken wings - she loves chicken wings.
The food was fantastic.

While we were out, Randy took these pictures of some visitors we had to the backyard today.

You can tell they are used to being around humans because you could get close and they didn't get spooked at all.

They are so cute.

When we got back to the house, we took the girls for a walk.

We were so close to the lake but unfortunately, we weren't really having great weather so we didn't get a chance to take advantage of that much.

It had even rained briefly so everything was wet but also lush and green looking so that's the upside I guess.

There were some really lovely homes in the area.

A lot of homes had these "Drive Slow - Children in the Area" signs that looked like little people and the girls just loved them.

I loved all the gorgeous trees - I am a tree girl after all.

It is just such a scenic area.

All the roads lead down to the lake and it's just so pretty.

The girls.

There are still lots of flowers blooming too which was lovely to see.

Freya wanted to sleep in with us tonight and of course we were happy to have her.
I could watch this little darling sleeping for hours!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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