Sunday 3 October 2021

Painting, Past and Present (Aug.28, 2021)

 Freya slept over again last night .

I woke up when Jason headed out for work but she slept in so I found myself a movie to watch while I enjoyed my morning coffee.

I picked the O'Briens - It was a cute movie - set in Ireland - I just happen to love movies set in Ireland for some reason.

When Freya got up, we took some selfies together.

I just love my sweet girl so much.

Being a little goofball.

She love's hamming it up for an audience even if that audience is only me.

So we did a little interview - I call this one "A Little About Freya"

I let her join me to do a little painting - She usually gets the paint everywhere so I stripped her to her panties to save her clothes from getting ruined.

Of course - she was careful and barely got any paint anywhere.
Go figure.

When Kody got home from work, he came and picked Freya up and I headed out for a run.
I ended up getting 12k done.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
I was really petering out there at the end but so that last bit really hurt my average but felt good overall to accomplish it.

Sweaty selfies - front view.

Side view.

Back view.

Freya wanted to sleep over again and of course we let her.
We are going to be away for 3 weeks just about so we are trying to spend as much time with her before we go.

She wanted to make a smoothie with Papa.

Making smoothies with Papa.

It's very serious work.

She just loves putting all the ingredients in - she doesn't like how loud the blender is though.
I do have to say that she is much more interested in making the smoothie than actually drinking the smoothie.

This memory popped up from a painting class I went to with Haylee and Crystal a couple years ago.
Holy smokes - what a difference - I was huge!

These memories from a trip to Halifax popped up too.
I wasn't as big there but still much bigger than I am now.

With one of my dearest friends and our sons, who were great friends also.
It was such a nice visit.
I was really hoping to see her when we go to NS next week but it sounds like she's going to be in Cape Breton working the whole time unfortunately.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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