Sunday 3 October 2021

Belated Birthday Present and Back on Track! (Aug.25, 2021)

 It was back to the grind for me today (for 2 days anyway), but first, the reckoning on the scale.

I weighed in at 187.2 this morning which was no surprise.
That's up exactly 5 lbs from my last weigh in and around 8 lbs from my lowest.

I really just ate whatever I wanted over this past week and I was travelling all day yesterday which never bodes well for me on the scale.
Thank goodness for the running every day or else I think this would have been far worse.
Time to button down the hatches now though and really track and stick to the WW plan.
Jason and I talked about it and we decided that we are not going to go so sideways off plan for our next trip.
We'll be gone for 19 days and that's just too long to be off track - we'll have a couple treats but for the most part, we are going to do our best to follow the WW plan and track every day.

I had a parcel waiting for me at my office when I got there.

It was the Love Diana doll I'd ordered for Freya for her birthday.

She just loves watching Diana and Roma, it's just a YouTube channel of a girl and her brother mainly opening gifts but Freya just loves it.

It was nice out so I got out for a walk to the road this morning.

I really wanted to make sure that I got out for a run so after work, I changed into my work out clothes and headed out.

I don't know about anyone else but there is always all this negotiation going on inside of my head when I head out for a run.

I was thinking I'd like to do at least 8k which is my normal route but then I thought if I could at least do 5k I'd be happy with that then once I got out there and was feeling good, I thought maybe I could go for longer.

It's all this back and forth, like I'm making deals and compromising with myself.

In the end, I got 10.5k done and I felt really good about it.
I added in the abandoned trailer park in town - not sure why I've never run there before but it was nice. 

My exercise details.

My average pace and my splits.
I think they are trending downward which is great.

Some sweaty selfies when I got home.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I had mixed up my favorite salad kit, Everything Bagel, for lunch and added some white canned tuna and I finished it off for supper.
I ate lots of fruit today and I tracked all my points on WW so I was super proud.

Later in the evening, Kody brought Freya by for a quick visit so I gave her the gift that had arrived for her.

Belated Birthday present.

I think she liked it!
She wanted to stay overnight but Jason and I both have to work tomorrow so I promised she could come stay tomorrow night instead.

My body was feeling kind of sore and achy all evening, likely from the long run.
Some days are worse than others - today I just felt so stiff like I could barely move.

Not going to let that stop me though - I still want to run that marathon and I still am going to make it to my goal of half my starting weight!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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