Sunday 3 October 2021

The Sun Came Out Just As We Were Heading Home (Aug.24, 2021)

 It looked like we were going to finally have a nice day today out there and we are heading home today, go figure!

After our morning coffee, we got ready and headed out for a run.

Seeing the sun is such a natural mood enhancer.

There are so many deer around - saw this big group while we were out running.

I did the route backwards again today and I was so looking forward to running down the long steep slope but when I got there, I suddenly had the urge to go to the washroom so I had to stop and walk which was so disappointing.

I tried to at least make it to 3.5k but I couldn't even do that.

Once I have the urge to go, running seems to just jiggle everything around and I'm so afraid of having an accident that I just have to stop and walk, which really helps.

The exercise details.

Average pace and splits.
Wasn't a long run but better than nothing I guess.

The deer were back for a visit in the yard again this morning and this time Randy got in the picture with them.

When we got back, we cleaned up and packed up.
The owner had left instructions for us to wash all the bedding and linens that we'd used which was so unusual.
We did our best but there was no way we could wash and dry all the bedding from four beds and check out on time at 10 am so we just did our best.

Then we hit the road.

We barely saw the sun at all our whole trip which was so disappointing but it was out in full force today!

These mountain views never get old.

We stopped at Saskatchewan Crossing for a snack.

It is right in this valley with mountains on every side.

So gorgeous.

Randy and Crystal ended up stopping in there as well while we were there.

We used the bathroom, got snacks and hung out and waited to see if any of the others showed up but they didn't so after a bit, we headed out again.
We couldn't call them because cell service isn't available here.

We decided to stop for some supper in Rocky Mountain House.
We had done some research and found a ramen place, Bang's Bistro so we went there.

Turned out they didn't have ramen anymore - nothing really appealed to me on the menu so Jason just ordered a noodle dish that he really enjoyed.

Then we found another place to go for me - Chi'Mac.
Their specialty is fried chicken and then they have all these different kinds of sauces to put on it.

Waiting for our food.

My handsome honey.

We ordered the chicken and got half with their white creamy onion sauce and half with their Yum Yum sauce which was a hot and spicy korean bbq sauce.

The waitress told us that the Creamy Onion is a favorite and it was definitely our favorite of the two we tried.

Although the chicken was a bit on the pricey side, it was fantastic and I'd most definitely get it again.

We stopped in Drayton Valley to get a few groceries on our way and I'd say it was close to 9 pm when we rolled into town!

We didn't have the best weather on our trip so couldn't really take advantage of being so close to the lake but overall it was a great trip and I look forward to going back to the area again next year hopefully.

I'd like to make it an annual trip for sure.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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