Wednesday 27 October 2021

PEI Burger Love (Sept.5, 2021)

Started the morning off with a coffee and then we headed out for a run on the Confederation Trail again.
Jason decided that he wanted to try to run to Kensington which is about 22 k on the trail.
The plan was for me to go and pick him up when he finished.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I felt good so I ended up running as far as Miscouche and back.
Not 22k but 12k is nothing to sneeze at.

My exercise details for today.

 My average pace and splits.

I think this is the best average I've had so far.

Jason figured it would take him about 2 hours to complete his run so I headed over there to pick him up.

It took a little bit to coordinate ourselves, he was waiting for me in one place and I was waiting for him in another but we did eventually get it figured out.

He ended up running 25k today - quite an accomplishment and I was so proud of him.

We were both ready for a bite to eat at the point so we headed over to the Starlite Diner for lunch.

I've seen this place for years and years but never actually went to it - today will be my first time.

Burger Love just happened to be going on which is an event PEI usually holds every April.
I've always wanted to go to it but have never been able.

Restaurants all across the Island that want to participate come up with a burger entry then customers vote on their favorites.
It raises money for charity and is just a fun event that lasts for a month.

It's was cancelled the last two April's due to Covid so lucky for us, they decided to move it to September this year.

I had fries with the works which is a staple for me every time I come to PEI.
It's french fries, hamburger fried with onions, peas and gravy.
So freakin' good.

I ordered a regular burger.

Jason got the Burger Love special, the Route 66 and we just shared.
The burgers were delicious.
One thing about getting a burger here on PEI is that you'd be hard pressed to find a frozen patty, they are almost always fresh, hand made which is awesome.

For dessert, we got ice cream cones.
Coleen's favorite is the Peanut Butter Fudge Crunch so I had to give it a try.

From there we headed up West.
We stopped in at our property to check it out.
It was kind of wet and overgrown and when we got out of the truck, a little snake slithered away right by my feet.
I was only wearing flip flops so decided I didn't want to try to walk in the tall wet grass into the property.
Jason was prepared with better footwear so he went on in and I called my sister to come and pick me up which she did and we headed to my Uncle Gerald's place which is where my mom has been staying.

Jason did send me this video he took of the property.
He spent the afternoon there checking out the trees that we'd planted a few years ago and just walking it.

Meanwhile, Mom and Jen had cooked up a turkey dinner for us.
What a nice treat on a drizzly, grey day.

My cousin Chavonne and her daughter Annabella joined us for supper.

My sissy and I.

We played a couple games of cards.
I'm not that great but my sister is a card shark!
It was fun - I always get a few games in when I come to the Island.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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