Sunday 3 October 2021

A Little Pampering For Me Today (Aug.27, 2021)

It's Friday!
My favorite day of the week, especially in summer when I have Fridays off!

I woke up when Jason headed out to work so I got up, made a coffee and found a movie to watch.
It was pretty good.
Freya has slept over last night - she woke up part way through the movie and came out and watched the rest of it with me. 

When the movie was done, I gave her a bath and then began the daunting task of brushing out her hair.
She just hates having it brushed.
I had to take a picture of the tangles to show her so she'd let me do it.

It looks so good when it's done though.

She even let me put it in a pony tail.

It only lasted for a minute and she had it out.

Posing for me - she's so silly.

It was so nice that we got ready and headed out for a walk.

This guy dug up his whole lawn to fix some issue he was having then he sanded and seeded the whole thing and she has to stop and dig in the dirt every single time we walk by.

I finally convinced her to continue on and she took off running.

I called out to her and told her to slow down and she turned around and said "I can't Grandma, I'm wearing running shoes"!
Ha ha ha - she cracks me up.

I took her home because I had to run to Whitecourt for a nail appointment.
I got his little dress for her at the second hand store and I think it is so adorable.

When you are wearing a dress, you just have to twirl.

Sometimes you fall when you twirl but then you just get back up and go again!

I got to Whitecourt a bit early so I got my shopping done then I picked up some stuff for lunch and headed to Rotary Park to eat it.

I was kind of wishing I could have brought Freya with me, she would have liked it here.

See that rainbow coming off the fountain?

There were tons of people out enjoying the water tubing slide - I've never tried it - I'll have to make a plan to do that one of these days.

I had an appointment for a pedicure and picking out a color is always so hard for me.
I changed my mind about 6 times.
23E was was I finally settled on.

I love being pampered.

This is the first pedicure I've gotten this summer which is amazing - I normally get them much more often but I've been trying to save money and pay off debt.

As you can see, I changed my mind on the color again and just went with this pale pink and I love it.

I had leftovers for supper - we are trying to eat up everything in the fridge before we head out on vacation again next week.

Another cute idea I'd like to try.
I did not make this - I saw it on an Instagram page - Do Dodson Designs I think.

I didn't fit a run in today but I did get all of my steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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