Tuesday 26 October 2021

Property Recon in NS (Sept.2, 2021)

Jason and I planned on checking out our property in NS today.
But first, we wanted to get our run in.

We ran along the water again.
I wanted to get a bit longer of a run in today but at 5.92k I just had to stop and walk.
The bathroom urge kicked in and I had no choice.

It kind of eased off a bit so I tried running again but only got .11k in and had to stop again.
Disappointing but there was nothing I could do about it.
I think my body is topsy turvy, might take me a few days to get back on a schedule again if you know what I mean 😉!!!

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
In the 6's again - woot woot. 

My sister was working today so it was Jason and I road tripping today.

The tail end of a hurricane hit NS today so it was a very rainy, windy day.

We stopped in Wolfville to get some lunch.
It's a gorgeous little town.
Just look at the ivy on that building.

We passed this place that was so nice, turned out to be a restaurant.

The Church Brewing Co.
I saw a friend post about eating there before and she said it was good so we thought we'd try it out.

It had a great patio area but of course, it was raining out so not an option for seating for today.

We got drenched just walking to the restaurant from the truck.

It is actually an old church that's been renovated into a restaurant.

It's a huge space inside.

I love the wood work inside the building.

It looks like there was some seating up in the balcony.

Inside The Church Brewing Co.

The menu.

We ordered the chowder.

I ordered the El Cubano.

Jason go the Porter Bacon and Cheddar Burger.
We split them in half and shared.

Just waiting for our food.

I love trying out new places.

The chowder was good - the pretzel stick it came with was delicious too.

My Cubano was good.

It was missing the dill pickle though which I think is a very important component of a cuban sandwich.

The salad that came with it was the bomb!

Jason's burger was pretty fabulous too.

They had a peach cobbler cake for their dessert special so we tried it, it was ok, kind of underwhelming.
Overall we enjoyed our meal though and we'd definitely eat there again.

We got back on the road and that rain just wasn't letting up.

Love me a red barn.

All the buildings at this farm were red - love it.

Passed this neat old cemetery near our property.

It took us much longer to get to the property than we expected and once we were there, it took us quite some time to figure out where our property actually was.

We finally did figure it out though.

The lake that it is on is a gorgeous lake and our property is right on it but it is completely covered in trees and will take some work for us to be able to use it.

The rain held off a bit while we were there so we were able to walk it a bit.
It got dark fast though so we didn't get to spend as much time there as we wanted to.

We'll have to think about what we want to do with it and we'll see if we can try to get back there this trip.

I offered to drive home to give Jason a break and it was like trying to wrangle an elephant.
I was a bit nervous at first but I managed.

As we were driving, we could see this pink glow off in the distance.
We had no idea what it was.

Like the entire sky was glowing.

We finally got up to it and honestly, I still don't know what it was.

The pink glow in the distance.
It was a nice day, aside from all the wind and rain.
Think we'll be heading to PEI tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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