Sunday 3 October 2021

New Park With The Kiddos (Aug.29, 2021)

 Freya and I both had a bit of a sleep in this morning.

When she woke up, she wanted to call Papa so we had a video chat with him.

Aww, they love each other so much.

I got her this Canada shirt on sale for a couple bucks and she liked it - she picked out the pants to go with it.

I got her to pose for a picture for me.

This is her model pose!

Taking care of tangles again.
If I take a picture of the tangles and show them to her, she is much more apt to let me brush them out.

Freya wanted to take my picture in return.

Adrien called to see if I could watch Hunter for a bit so he dropped him off around lunch time.

Freya got a hold of my phone and took a bunch of pictures  -  there were about 25 of pretty much this same picture on my phone.
I guess he was posing for her - ha ha.

Jason had picked up this little play set for Freya on one of their excursions to the hardware store that has a little drill and all these pieces that you can connect together.
So the kids got that out to play with.
They play so well together - it's adorable.

Hunter is so thoughtful and always making sure she is happy and ok.
What a good boy he is.

It was nice outdoors so I convinced them to go for a walk.

We stopped at the fountain in the center of town to check it out and pose for a picture with the big bear there.

Aww - he's growing up so much, he's such a handsome little guy!

I thought we'd switch things up and I took them to the playground at the school instead of the town one we normally go to.

Freya testing out the slide.

Hunter took a turn too.

They played in the gravel which is one of Freya's favorite things to do.

Park selfie.

Got one with Freya too.

She just wanted to make silly faces.

I couldn't even get Hunter to look at me for a picture.

They grew tired of the school park and wanted to go to our usual park so we did.

They both climbed up the giant climbing rock and Freya was pretty proud of herself.

After the park, we went to the store for ice cream.

We met up with Haylee and Zeplynn there.

Freya was wearing more of her ice cream than what made it into her belly I think.

Is that ice cream or face paint?
Ever the little entertainer I think she was enjoying putting on a little show.

Hunter's face faired a bit better!

They both enjoyed their ice creams anyway and both kids ended up heading home from there.

Freya went with Haylee and Adrien showed up at the store while we were there so he gave me took Hunter home and I walked so I could get in a few more steps for the day.

Paddington and I got in some good cuddle time.

There is a geothermal project underway out in the field where Jason works.
He sent me a picture of it.

Then he sent me the jazzed up version.
Would be kind of fun if it looked like this for real.

He and the night shift guy are always sending pictures back and forth of it and this was from when the wind tore some of the insulation off of it.

I got to work after my cuddle with Paddington and finished up this fall wreath.
I want to take some of the pumpkins I had left over from last year down to the hardware in time to sell for this year and as I'll be gone for basically the whole month of September, I want to do it before we leave.
So basically tomorrow or the next day.
I wanted to have this wreath done in time to put it down there too and mission accomplished.

A hail storm came up suddenly out of nowhere.

Just a little hail storm in August.

It stopped almost as quickly but left behind a little reminder.
My poor plants - they weren't doing so well before - this for sure will not have been helpful for them.

Maybe I have an odd sense of humor but this struck my funny bone.

I didn't go for a run today but I did make sure to get all my steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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