Sunday 3 October 2021

Happy 3rd Birthday Freya! (Aug.22, 2021)

 Our dear sweet grand-daughter turns 3 today!

We got up early and blew up a bunch of balloons so they'd be there to greet her when she woke up.

We completed just in time.

Her facial expression doesn't show it but she was happy to see all the balloons.

There are some smiles for the balloons.

I had picked up a helium tank and brought it with me and it actually was enough to blow up quite a few balloons.
The balloons provided a lot of entertainment for the girls today.

We weren't planning o doing the 'party' stuff until later but Zepplyn wanted her to open the gift she'd gotten for her first thing.
It was a dress that matched hers.

Freya had to put it on right away.

Doing their 'model' poses, ha ha.

The dress does look cute on her.

Opening one more gift!

After our coffees, we headed out for a run.
I had to cut it short because I had to go to the bathroom which kind of sucked but it is what it is.

The exercise details.

My splits and average pace weren't bad.
We went back to the house, I used the facilities then we grabbed our bikes and headed out for a bike ride.

We went for a 5k run and that made me feel better about having to cut my run short.

When we got back to the house, everyone was hanging out on the deck and the girls were playing with water balloons.

Water balloon fun!

Papa Randy helping.

They were mostly just throwing them on the ground and breaking them but they were enjoying themselves so that's what matters.

Papa Jason.

Haylee got in on the balloon throwing too.

This bowl full disappeared pretty quickly.

We all decided to head into Invermere and check out the beach there.

The weather turned pretty quickly once we got there.

Jason and I went for a walk along the beach - it was pretty windy.

It's unfortunate because the beach was nice - I think the kids would have liked it.

Just look at those waves coming in - pretty rough for a lake.

Since the weather was so yucky, Lloyd found us an indoor activity - a museum.
The Windermere Valley Pioneer Museum.

It had a bunch of buildings, each one was a building that might have been in a town, like a schoolhouse, a general store, a bank etc. and each was filled with memorabilia for that kind of theme.

Wow - what great prices!

This is the inside of the school house.

The 1872 rules for teachers were posted - Mind boggling.
Can you imagine?

A picture of the actual local merchant building - I didn't notice the year.

There were some wagons and things that you could look at outside as well.

There were some really incredible views of the valley from the museum too.

We found a Chinese food place to go to for supper - Oriental Palace.
Because of Covid restrictions, we were only allowed to a table so we were all split up but at least in the same corner.
The girls wanted to sit with us. 

I had ginger beef - I wasn't a big fan.

When we got back to the house it was birthday party time!

Happy Birthday Freya.
She called it her "birthday day" and just loved it when we sang to her.

After cake, she opened her gifts.

She was really excited and happy about everything that she received.

I think overall it was a great day.

I saw this top and loved the saying on it.

Ba ha ha - this made me laugh.

I saw this cake posted on Facebook - I'm not sure who made it but I just love it - what amazing work.

Love his big ole tongue!
Now that Morgan has gotten into cake decorating, I'm always finding ideas to send to her.

I got these cut outs of fairies for an art project for the girls to do while we were here and they spent some time last night coloring.
Jason and Kody joined in on the fun and this was Jason's creation.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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