Tuesday 26 October 2021

Family is Everything (Sept.3, 2021)

We are heading to PEI today but first things first, we got out and got our run in. 

What a view to have on your run each day - my sister is so fortunate.

It was a grey day but warm and muggy.

The run felt good and we are super sweaty - can't wait to get myself showered!

I had no bathroom issues today and was able to get 7k in.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
In the 6's again - running doesn't really feel any easier here but my times seem to be better.

My sister headed to PEI today as well.
We tried to figure out a way for her to travel with us but the boys start school next week so she has to be back and we are staying so we had to take sperate vehicles.

We stopped in Summerside to get a bite to eat.

We googled places to eat and settled on a place at Spinnaker's Landing (a Boardwalk area in Summerside)

Jolly Rogers.

We had their chowder - it was creamy and delicious - the way I am used to chowder being.
Similar to what I make actually and just filled with all kinds of seafood including lobster, REAL lobster.

Jason had fish tacos - he really liked them.
I tried them too and thought they were great.

We shared a lobster roll and it was amazing.

I just had to have the clams - they were whole clams and they were also amazing.
It was a delicious meal.

We got to my Aunt Coleen and Uncle Jimmy's and it was so wonderful to see everyone, it's been so long.
We were so busy hugging and catching up that I totally forgot to take pictures.
Suffice to say that I missed my family immensely and I loved seeing them.

We sat around and visited all evening and were entertained by the twins, Leah and Mia.
It felt wonderful.
We just spent the whole evening visiting and I loved every moment.

Back home, Zepplyn was over visiting and Haylee posted some pictures of her with Ozzy.

Giving Ozzy some love.

Sister selfie.

I thought this was pretty funny!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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