Wednesday 1 November 2017

Does One Day a New Habit Make?

Well I DID IT!
I am so happy with myself.
I got up early and worked out this morning.

I am not going to lie - getting up at 5 am was not easy.
Let me tell you, when the alarm clock rang at 5am this morning there was some instant negotiating going on in my head.
Things like - I'm tired, I just need a few more minutes of sleep or I'll work out for sure tonight then go to bed early so I'm not as tired tomorrow.
or I want to start this tomorrow.

But I kept thinking about Skinny Meg and Skinny April and I just didn't let myself lay there - I just got up and did it.

I made sure I had clothes ready to go so I didn't have to search this morning so I couldn't use that excuse either.
So by 5:59 am I had 5710 steps in.
It felt really good.
I used to find it harder to push myself in the mornings but I am not going to allow that to happen this time.
It may only be one day but it's the first day of many.

I got 46 minutes in - I threw in jogging here and there randomly.
I also did my other exercises - push ups, sit ups etc...

Nice and sweaty - just how I like to be after a workout.

When I got to work I was excited to weigh in.
It's only been 4 days of working out but I was expecting results and I was down about 2 lbs so that made me feel like I am on the right path.

Breakfast was cottage cheese and grapes a la Janae author of the "Hungry Runner Girl Running For Food" blog.
It really is as good a combination as she claims it to be.

I had one of these because I am trying to fend off a cough/cold that is nipping at my heels.
It is a vitamin C tablet that you drop into water and it fizzes and dissolves.
My former boss & I were shopping and came across them at Costco sometime ago.
She picked them up because they reminded her of her dad who used to give them to her and her sisters when they were young.
They came in a pack of 3 or 4 so she gave me one to try.

They are good and I do believe they help when trying to keep colds at bay.

A big bowl of watermelon for my snack later in the morning - yummo!

For lunch I was working on the blog so I had rice crackers with laughing cow cheese, a bit of siracha and canned oysters.

After work mom & I went to watch Miss A's registration at Brownies.
They did a little skit where the one Brownie whips up a new batch of "Brownies".
She reads the recipe and it's things like a cup of helpfulness and a teaspoon of friendliness, that kind of thing.

It was cute.
She puts the pan in the oven then this is where she was opening the oven and the new batch of Brownies is revealed.

Ta Da - Brownies!

They sang a little song for us and this little guy was applauding enthusiastically for them.

There she is - the new Brownie!
I went to Brownies as a girl and I enjoyed it.
They only have a small club here but I am sure they will have fun.

After we finished up there, I took mom home then headed to the curling rink

It was the first night back of the season.
We had a really great game too - we were making all of our shots and they weren't making any of ours.
We played six ends and they didn't score a point.
Then they called it.
I am not sure how many points we ended up with but doesn't matter really.

It was nice to be back with the girls, made them take a selfie.
Missed our skip though.

When she made her way down the ice, I grabbed another selfie so she could be in it.

Miss H went to another Halloween party on Friday night and posted a few pictures of her sweet self.

The purple light looks cool here.

Here she is with her baby sister - little dolls both of them!

I hit all my goals today except the stairs.
I will work on it if I can but not going to stress over it.
I am really pleased with myself and I am going to continue on this trend.

Until next time, be happy.

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