Friday 3 November 2017

Stranger Things 2

It's Thursday - Day 4 of early morning workouts and I am still getting 'er done.
45 minutes on the treadmill - I jogged straight through again for most of that.
Work out felt a little harder this morning but I got there.

Beet red, sweaty with fogging up glasses.
Just how I like to look after a workout.

Some fresh pineapple to snack on at my desk was just the thing!

My roots are really showing - got me an appointment to get that fixed up next Wednesday.

Salmon for supper - yes please and thank you!

My Honey was hard at work making us a yummy supper.

He got to incorporate this oregano his mom grew & dried for us.
It is so flavorful.

Greek salad with kalamada olives.
He is a master at making salad dressings and I couldn't wait to chow down on it.

Salmon fresh out of the over.
Wish you could smell it - it was divine.

I convinced him to do the instant mashed potatoes ( he doesn't like things out of a package or a box but these are so easy and delicious that he caved).

Fresh steamed cauliflower & brocolli rounded out the meal.

Look at this plate of goodness.
I went back for seconds on the salad (snuck another spoonful of those potatoes too).

We were getting ready to head down to my Niece's and take her the Christmas Tree mom had picked up for her and Paddington decided to have a lie down right here at the door.
I dont' know if he wanted to come with us or if he was trying to stop us from leaving.
My Honey bribed him away with a shake of the treat jar in any case.

We stopped down to see Miss M & Mr H and give them the tree.
She was excited and planned on setting it up right away.
(She did set it up later in the evening but discovered that the lights in the mid section of the tree aren't working so I am going to return it and exchange it for another).

Mom came down with us - I thought it was her first time visiting the apartment but I was wrong because I almost knocked on the wrong door and she showed me the right door.
We left there and drove around town looking for Christmas lights.
It has been snowing for days and it looks so pretty we thought the lights would look nice but still too early for that I guess because we didn't find any.
When we got back to the house, My Honey & I decided to watch an episode of Stranger Things 2.
It's been out for a few days now, can't believe we waited this long to watch it.
It is so darn good.
The first episode ended and we just had to watch the next one.
Then when the 2nd episode ended it was a little late but I couldn't resist and had to watch just one more.
The way they end them makes you feel like you just need to see what happens next.
If I didn't have to get up for work in the morning I may have just stayed up late and binge watched the whole thing.
Common sense took over though and no matter how much I wanted to watch another episode, I knew I had to get up at 5 am to work out and because I am DEDICATED to my fitness/weight loss goals, I called it a night.
It will be there and just as good next time we go to watch it.
Over 10,000 steps in for the day - I am happy with that.
That is a wrap for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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