Wednesday 8 November 2017

Rest Day

It was very nice to sleep in this morning.
I enjoyed every moment of snuggle time with My Honey.

Timmie's for breakfast.
Cheap & Good.
Except the coffee, it was awful today for some reason and we both left them behind.
We did a bit of shopping, I stopped at Bulk Barn to get ingredients for the Reindeer Crack I make at Christmas time.
Figured if I picked up a few things each time I am in the city that it wouldn't feel like it cost so much.
We also checked out flooring, paint colors and light fixtures.
We are planning on doing the living room after Christmas and I will be so happy to see the carpet go.
It has stains that I just can't get out and we have a rug over it at the door that keeps moving and it drives me cray-cray (true story)!
We stopped at a little Thai place that we tried to eat at a few times in the past but it was always closed when we went.
It is called Thai Basil and it was actually open today - we were kind of surprised.

We had the onion cake for a starter - it came with peanut sauce or a chili sauce for dipping but I always get the fish sauce dip - I just love it.
I think the onion cake is more of a vessel for me to soak up all the fish sauce.

I tried something new today, I had the Panang Chicken with coconut rice.
I liked it ok but would probably not order it again.

My Honey had is favorite - green curry.
We were satisfied with our meals, it was a smaller but strangely perfect size serving.
The spring rolls were the only thing that we didn't like - they only had cabbage in them, not much for flavor.
I only ate one of mine and that's only because I let it soak in the fish sauce for a good long time.
We made the usual stop at Walmart after that for essentials and then headed home.
Neither of us had had a good coffee today so we stopped at Starbucks to partake of the Seasonal Specials.
We stopped at the one in Stony Plain and the service was the best!
They were polite, friendly and quick.
I opted for the Peppermint Mocha - had to have it decaf though as it was already after 3 pm and I didn't want it to haunt me later when I try to go to sleep.
My Honey tried the chestnut flavor - I had a sip and it was good too!

The sun was setting on the way home and the sky looked so beautiful that we just had to stop and take a few pictures.

It looks much darker than it actually was.

I love fence and the dirt road leading off into the sunset, so pretty.

My Honey stayed out taking pictures longer than I (it was cold out).

I made him pose for a few pictures for me.

This is me staying warm in the truck.

One last shot before we go.
I was browsing Facebook on the way home (I wasn't the driver) and I saw a few things of interest.

This looks like it would be easy to make.

It looks like Christmas exploded here and I love it.
My favorite is the greenery hanging over the fireplace.

I thought this little poncho was adorable and would be super easy to make.
Now I just need a little girl to make it for.

I thought this was an awesome idea and wanted to remember it so I could do it.
Me, me, me!
I need this bed in my life - just don't know quite where I would put it.

More craft/diy ideas that I thought would be cute and easy.

This grinch is so cute - I thought I might like to make a mini version.
We got home at a decent hour which was nice.
We put all of our stuff away then we watched a couple of episodes of Stranger Things 2.
We don't have that many left to watch.
It is so, so good.
My fitbit stats for today.
I did consider today a rest day so I am ok with not making my 10,000 steps.
However, next rest day, I am going to try to hit that mark.
Hopefully my body will be feeling well rested and ready to go in the morning.
That folks is a wrap for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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