Tuesday 21 November 2017

Kitties, Kiddos and PACKING FOR VACATION!

For some reason Paddington gets extra snuggly in the morning.
Kitty Selfie!

When I am putting my socks and shoes on to go work out in the morning, this little love bug climbs up on me and just wants to snuggle.
So of course I have to take a few minutes to do that.

Looking really red after my work out this morning.

Happy that it is done for another day.

Not too bad for a morning workout.

255 lbs
My weigh in for the weight loss competition.
I also wanted to know right where I was before leaving on vacation.
I am hoping it isn't too far from here when I get back.

I was the last one out of the office today and I noticed the "words of wisdom" board on my way out so I made a slight adjustment to it.
Happiness is many things but for me, today, it is being excited about heading to Las Vegas tomorrow.

My brother called to see if I could watch the kiddos for a bit tonight.
Of course I was happy to do it.
Miss A found my Cirque du Soleil hat and wanted to try it on.
Of course that meant posing for a picture as well.

As soon as he walked in I noticed all of his baby curls were gone.
He looks more grown up all of a sudden.
It looks good on him though.

He was "firsty" and needed a drink STAT!

Hamming it up for the camera.

Mr H and Paddington seem to be having a very serious discussion  while watching for My Honey to get home.

My niece Miss M dropped by to pick up her mail and brought a little friend with her.

Miss A & My Honey were playing a dare game when he got home.
They were daring each other to eat weird food combinations.
This was hers.

My mom & the lady she works with each day came up with these cards to help mom start conversations with the kids.
Miss A saw them and decided to come up with her own version of a card.
I was very happy to oblige.
Having some cuddle time - what a little doll he is.

Love his little giggle too.

My Honey gave the kids glow sticks and we made tents on the couch with blankets so we could sit under them and admire the glow sticks.
Somehow that turned into this - Miss A with a new hair do.

Had to get some cuddle time in with Miss A as well.

We looked over at him and he was entranced in a show that was on but hanging on to those glow sticks.  What a little goofy gus.
After the kiddos went home, I packed for our trip.
I am so EXCITED!!!
I love going on adventures and I am really looking forward to gettng away from the snow for a bit.

Fit bit stats for today.
Not bad, not bad!
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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