Thursday 9 November 2017

Birthday Lunch with the Office Girls for SV!

I was a little skeptical about whether or not I would be able to get a good work out in this morning as my knee was still very tender but I did it.
45 minutes DONE!
I babied my knee a little during the work out but I really don't want to injure it further and not be able to work out at all just when I am getting on a roll.

Finished Work Out = Happy Girl!

Had some fresh raspberries with cottage cheese for breakfast when I got to work.

Ms SV has a birthday coming up this week so we did our "office girls lunch out" to celebrate.
We had a really great server and she was nice enough to take this picture for us.

Then I took her picture, look who it is.
My little neicey-poo, Miss M.

She's been waitressing for a couple months now and I am so proud of her.
She is doing a really great job.

I had a chicken quesadilla with a side caesar salad.
I only ate two pieces of the quesadilla and took the rest home to My Honey.

I arrived home after work to a meaty, smoky smell and it had my stomach grumbling.
My Honey was busy all day turning left over pork loins from the golf course into these delicious sausages.
He made me one for my supper with onions, bbq sauce and arugula.
It was super tasty and hit the spot.
I wasn't feeling that great - felt like a cold was heading my way so I sat on the couch and perused Facebook for a while.
Had some memories pop up - love sharing them.

This was 2 years ago, we went down to visit my friend Ms DZ in Black Diamond.
We picked her up and took her to this Christmas market in Millarville that I'd been wanting to go to for some time.
My Honey was making some furry friends, like this llama.

He found this little pony too - isn't he cute?
The pony is cute too.

One of Santa's reindeer was even there.
I think this was my first time seeing a reindeer in real life (except for the time when I was 8 years old and I saw Santa and his reindeer soaring through the sky on Christmas eve).
My 8 year old self believed she saw it so strongly - I can even still picture it today.
So I guess that was my first time seeing a real live reindeer and this time was my first time seeing a reindeer up close!
By 7:30 pm I wasn't feeling well at all so I just went to bed.
I had to walk back and forth down the hallway a couple of times first to pop my step count over the 10,000 step mark but I did it.
That's it for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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