Monday 6 November 2017

Pedi for Me!

When my alarm clock went off at 5 am this morning I was instantly thrust into negotiations with myself.
My body was tired and didn't want to get up - I was thinking of excuses or comprimises to allow me to sleep longer.
It only lasted seconds though before one word filled my mind and had me out of bed.
I didn't give in to any of the tactics I was coming up with, didn't all them to go on, I just said that one word in my mind and it did it.
So thank you to Katie Foster @ RunsforCookies, it's because of you blog post the other day that I got my butt out of bed and got to work.
Finishing up a good work out on days that I didn't want to do it feels especially satisfying.
So that is 1 full week of early morning work outs in the books and it feels marvelous.

I got 45 minutes in again this morning.

Feeling sweaty and happy!

256.0 Lbs.
That was my weigh in for the weight loss competition.
Not a huge loss, but it's a loss.

Picked up a couple of hard boiled, peeled eggs for my breakfast.
A quick and easy way to get in some protein.

When I went home for lunch My Honey informed me that he had an appointment in WCT this afternoon so I grabbed left overs and headed back to the office and worked through my lunch so I could leave a little early to go with him.
This was Salmon, mashed potatoes and broccoli and cauliflower.
Just as good today as it was last night.

So was the greek salad.

While he had his appointment I popped in to Kim's to see if they could fit me in for a pedicure.
They were able to take me right away.

I figured I'd be wearing flip flops next week when we go to Vegas so wanted to have pretty toe nails.
It looks kind of empty but everyone else in there was getting manicures.

I opted for a baby blue color this time.

We went to Original Joe's for supper and I had my go to - Virgin Caesar, extra spicy.
My goodness it was delicious.
I could have easily slurped back a second but I switched to water.

My Honey was busy talking to his pal Mr BN getting all the news, so I entertained myself by taking pictures.

Not easy to see here but I ended up getting my eyebrows waxed too.
They were looking really red but I was happy with the shape of them.

We ordered the brussel sprouts appetizer - it is amazing.
I would be happy ordering two and just having that for supper.
As it was, I shared with My Honey.
This is one of the times that I didn't feel bad having the last bite.

I had a greek chicken wrap with the quinoa salad.
I had the sweet potato fries for the second side but I had them put them in a "to go" container so I could take them home to mom.

My Honey had the beef dip which was good, not great, just good.

We stopped at the casino on the way home.
My Honey gave me $20 to gamble and I ended up cashing out at $50.
I played the same game as last time and it treated me well again.

My Honey ended up winning 250.00 so that was $300 between us.
Not bad - we split our winnings equally so I made out much better on that deal.
I so look forward to the day that I am able to share a large winnings with him.

There was a full moon on the drive home and it was just gorgeous.
We stopped at one point to get out and take pictures but my phone just couldn't do it justice.
I like it when the moon is nice and bright like that because it makes it easier to see animals if they are around.

The finished product.
Looks like she painted on the white a little crooked but no big whoop.
I think she was just learning and it looks fine, it will do.

Missed a few hours of the 250+ steps but I did reach all the other goals so I am happy with that.

We watched a couple more episodes of Stranger Things 2 then it was off to bed for this chick as I had an early morning coming up.

Until next time, be happy!

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