Friday 10 November 2017

Good Hair Day!

Happy girl am I - work out is all done. 

Got in 50 minutes today - go me!

Back to my curls and I am liking the color.

I was going to order out for supper but then decided that I should use up some of the produce in the fridge as we are going away for a week.
I had riced cauliflower, broccoli, shrimp and onions so I made a stir fry.

It turned out really well - the cauliflower is a great substitute for rice, I saved some veggies from going to waste and I didn't have to spend any money.

Another shot of the new hair color - I love it.

It looks like it has a bit of a red hue which I thought I wouldn't like but I don't mind it.
When you are having a good hair day!!!

My Honey sent me these of Paddington, he is playing under the blanket.

He likes getting right under the blankets and then just staying there.

Saw this super hero tree on Facebook and figured my brother would love it.
He is a big comic book/marvel fan.
Would be an awesome idea for a second tree.

Another Facebook memory.

I saw a pair of mittens similar to these at a store and they were $45 US which I wasn't shelling out for a pair of mittens.
I went home and searched out a pattern to make them and these are my first pair of "swittens" that I ever made.

I kind of went on a binge and made about 15 pair so guess what all my friends and family got from me for Christmas in 2014?

Searching for sweaters to make them and matching colors together was fun.
I should make some more this year.

Got really side tracked at work today and missed a lot of the 250+ steps per hour but made it over the 10,000 steps for the day so I feel good about that.

Watched an episode of The Little Couple then headed to bed, 5 am comes early. 

That's all she (me) wrote for today, until next time, be happy!

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