Wednesday 1 November 2017

Happy Halloween

It wasn't any easier getting up on day 2 at 5 am but I did it!
Got 46 minutes under my belt.

Got all hot and red & sweaty!
It felt great to be all done before I even went to work.

I dug out my Halloween Hat to wear to work.
I always wish when the day arrives that I'd worked on a costume.
Goals for next year!

Lunch was a toasted tuna & spinach on rye with some spicy pickled beans.

My Honey loves carving pumpkins for Halloween and had picked up two of them but just hasn't had the chance to get to it.
He is working until 7 tonight and the trick or treaters will mostly be done by then so I grabbed a knife as soon as I got home and started carving.

I thought it turned our pretty good for how quickly I did it.

I got a candle into it and set it up on the steps.

The weather took a turn for the worst today.
Such a bummer that the little trick or treaters are going to have such horrible weather.
It is freezing and snowing and super windy.

I figured I might as well get the other pumpkin carved too or it would just be a waste.

I was happy with my efforts.

Treats are ready for the kiddos to start showing up.

There were lots of the air filled costumes around this year.

This one looked like a bear giving the little guy a piggy back ride.
It was neat.

I made frozen pizza for supper because it was easy.

Little Miss Z showed up in her cutie patootie costume.
She was with her mom & dad and I didn't get a picture so I snuck this one from facebook.

My brother sent me this one of Mr H just as they were heading out.
He did have a mask with the costume but refused to put it on.

They were both looking happy still at this point.

My favorite mermaid and her princess friend showed up.

I told her that she made a beautiful Ariel and she informed me that she was NOT Ariel, she was just a mermaid.


He was freezing and had had quite enough of the nasty weather outdoors.

This is him showing me his muscles, ha ha!

My SIL took Miss A & her friend out to do a little more trick or treating but Mr H was done so he and my brother hung out at my place and waited for them to come back.

He got out of his costume as speedily as possible and needed a drink - he was a thirsty boy.

Mr H & Nanny were getting into the treat.
We don't get many trick or treaters so I always have plenty.

He discovered that he loved the fruity flavored tootsie rolls but he was still willing to share with his Auntie.

I was showing him some pictures on my phone of kids in costumes like this cute one.

Isn't awesome?
Some people are just so talented at coming up with ideas.

I showed him this one of Ms BH's grandson and he said
"Oooh, dat scawey" (his words).
It was funny!
This was an awesome costume - I thought he looked terrific!

They had much better trick or treating weather in Nova Scotia for my two little nephews.
Mr E is a Minecraft Skeleton and Mr D is a Minecraft Diamond Block.
They are super into Minecraft these days.

Mr D is inspecting his goodies.

Mr E is just super excited about his haul!

Their costumes from last year showed up in my Facebook memories so I had to include those.

Pretty much the cutest Darth Vader every in the history of the Galaxy.

A darling kitty cat!

The Mario Brothers - Mario & Luigi.
Love the 'staches!

Came across this cool headboard idea - I love it.

Missed a few of the 250+ steps per hour but I am not unhappy about my stats at the end of the day.
I was reading another blog I follow today - Runs for Cookies - and the author (Katie) had a really great post about Motivation vs Determination.

It was really interesting and made a lot of sense.
Basically what I got out of it is that motivation comes from a source outside yourself and while effective, it's usually only short term.
Determination on the other hand comes from within, it is a decision that you make and while it may take hard work, it can be longer lasting.

That is a really short recap and I recommend checking out her blog for the full post.
Very thought provoking.

I totally believe in mind over matter and often times a small shift in our way of thinking can help us overcome hurdles we never thought we could overcome.

So I am deciding to be DETERMINED to reach my goal and I feel like it is going to make a HUGE difference!

Stay Tuned and you'll see!

Until next time, be happy!

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