Tuesday 21 November 2017

Las Vegas - We are Here - Las Vegas 2017 - Trip Two, Day One!

I wanted to make sure I got a work out in this morning before we left so I got up early and hopped on the treadmill.
Got a good workout in.

Happy that my work out is complete.

Even happier that we are flying to Vegas today - woot woot!

My Honey has started decorating for Christmas.
Not sure why I took a picture - I think I must have liked the song.
I am going to have to check it out on itunes.

On our way to the city!
Not hard to see that we are both thrilled to be heading to the airport.

This was a song that I haven't heard in a long time and I'd forgotton how much I liked it.

We had just enough time to stop in Habanero's in Leduc.

I had a delicious virgin caesar - extra spicy.
Can't get Caesar's in the States, they only have Bloody Mary's so I figured it would be my only chance to have one this vacation.

I guess I have my eyes close because I am enjoying it so much?

I really like the decor in this place.

Love, love, love that blue cabinet.

They gave us chips and green salsa verde.
It was really good but a little on the spicy side.

Then the reason I come here - Tortilla Soup.
It is so, so tasty.
Just perfectly seasoned with a little bit of a kick and some crunch from the tortilla strips.
I got a bowl full but honestly I could have ate a whole bucket full of this stuff.

Another funky cabinet they have there - I really like the hardware and the rustic paint.

I ordered the tacos.
They were way too spicy though so I couldn't eat them.

My Honey's plate - he had an enchilada - I tasted it and it was good.

Made it to the airport.
We got there a little later than usual and had to wait in quite a line up to get through security but no big deal.
I did wear this shirt today that is covered in little hearts made out of dots.
Turns out each of those dots is metal so that made going through the metal detector interesting.
They had to give me a really good pat down but I am ok with that.
All the security measures they have in place don't bother me at all - I would rather know that they are being diligent about this kind of thing even if it means it takes a bit more time.
I won't be wearing this shirt to the airport again though - lesson learned!

We met BN and his sister JM there.
These two are quite the crew when the get together.
They share a kind of warped sense of humor that I really enjoy.

Take off - my favorite part, aside from landing.

BN was a few rows ahead of us.
He is ready to get off this plane.
He & JM only had carry ons but because they opted to have them checked at the gate, they were allowed to board the plane early.
I think My Honey & I were near the very end, only two others boarded after us.
We don't take carry on's that need to go in the overhead anymore so need to rush getting on the plane.

We are staying at the Luxor this time.
Our room wasn't in the Pyramid section though, we were in the west wing which was fine with us.
It was nearer to the gym and my plan was to work out while we were here.
It is a pretty good size room, I think we will be happy here for the next week.

My Honey!

The room had a big cabinet for the tv and closet space on either side which was great.
I always like to hang my clothes up if I can and there was lots of room to do that here.

After we got situated in our room we went back to the lobby.
I love how these casinos in Vegas pick a theme and just go with it.
This place is obviously going with the Egyptian theme and it is so cool.
We met BN and JM  to go look for a place to eat.

My Honey & I.
We decided on Johny Rockets in the food court in the casino.
It was super expensive.

The burger was good but the fries were crap - cold and mushy - I didn't bother to eat them but the burger was enough anyway.

It was nice to be there with someone else because we were able to get some pictures of us together that were not selfies.

The inside of the Luxor is really cool looking on the inside.

Justin Timberlake - I Got This Feeling was playing on the giant screens behind the front desk in the lobby and we were all rocking out a little to it.
My Honey said if he'd seen the video before he may have given the song more of a chance.
I think it's a great song - gets me in the mood to move!

After we ate we gambled a little then headed back to our respective rooms.

Saw these on Facebook and thought they were super cute!
I want to try to make some when I get home.
Ended up with a pretty strong showing on my fitbit today.
That is all for today!
Until next time, be happy!

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