Monday 6 November 2017

Double Feature Kind of Day

I was heading into Edmonton for the day again with the girls, this time for Ms SV's birthday so I wanted to get up and get my workout done before I left.

They were picking me up at 8 am so I was up and on the treadmill by 6 am.

Boom - 45 minutes DONE!

Feels so good!
I got a shower and packed a bag (My Honey is meeting me in the city later today and we are spending the night).
Then I made myself a copy and was sitting waiting for the girls.
They picked me up right at 8 am and we were on our way.

We went a new way that I'd never been before, through a little place called Legal.
There was a little store there that we stopped in and checked out.
It was a really cute little place and they had it really nicely decorated inside.
I love this old stove.

There were lots of antiques around the store.

There were lots of folk artsy bird houses scattered around also.
I love bird houses and I love folk artsy stuff so it was right up my alley.

The clerk told us to check out the bathroom so of course we did.
This was a neat idea for a toilet paper holder.

And what a super idea for a sink stand.
Those old sewing tables are so pretty - I think I am going to have to keep my eyes open for one.

We continued on to the city and stopped at our new favorite for brunch - Chopped Leaf.
I had the Sante Fe salad this time but preferred the Bangkok.
There are still others that I am interested in trying too.

Ms BH and the birthday girl, Ms SV.

Me and Ms NC/T.

We had some time to spare before the movie started so we checked out the Home Depot.

They had these awesome giant Christmas lights which I am considering getting.

We left there and headed to the movie.

A Bad Moms Christmas
It was a really fun movie, I liked it even more than the original Bad Moms.
Lot of laughing out loud.

When we left there it was too soon for supper so we did some more shopping around.
We hit up Homesense and the Christmas stuff is all out.
I won't let myself buy anymore because I have so much already but that doesn't mean I can't window shop.

This looked like something that might be easy to make at home.
I am always looking for ideas of things that I can make myself.

Ms NC/T thought this was nice and suggested changing out the flowers for mason jars with candles.
Now that would be pretty.

I liked this but it was a little broken.
Wonder if My Honey could make me something like this?

I guess my love of trees flows over into Christmas trees.

These were a couple that I thought might be easy to make at home.

We checked out Michaels - they have awesome Christmas stuff too, then finally we figured we were ready to eat and headed over to Fionn McCools.

Ms BH & I.

Ms NC/T with the birthday girl  Ms SV now.

Ms SV ordered the Steak & Mushroom pie and when it came out the aroma was heavenly.
I loved how rustic the pie looked.

Ms NC/T had the bacon wrapped chicken with rice.
She said it was really good.

Ms BH and I had the chicken & waffles which was very mediocre.
I wouldn't get it again but there are other menu items that I would like to go back and try.

This was the apple dessert the birthday girl had.
Again it had that rustic look and it tasted wonderful.

Ms BH was not at all happy with her Brownies.
She said they were the worst she has ever tasted.

I had the Raspberry Cheesecake.
It had a shortbread crust with a layer of cheesecake then a raspberry sauce on top that was rather on the tart side but I liked that.

After we ate, we went to Canadian Tire where we met up with My Honey.
I got a set of King size sheets there for $35.00 which was a steal of a deal.

The girls headed back to the hills and My Honey & I headed to West Edmonton Mall.
We went to the theater to get tickets to Thor Ragnarok - We had an hour to waste before our show time so we walked around the mall a bit.

We got frozen yogurts at our favorite place - can you guess whose is whose?
Hint - I like chocolate!

We saw Thor Ragnarok in 3D and it was so good.
I like how they made it lighter and added some humor.
Seeing Thor and Hulk as roomies and Thor wandering around his room with a towel on was funny.

When it was over we headed to our hotel.
I am thinking about having a rest day.
I am torn because part of me feels like I am just making excuses but on the other hand, rest days are important.
I need to work them in and I think if I have one tomorrow, I will be ready and raring to go come Monday morning.

Did really well with my stats for today.
Almost hit the 20,000 mark for steps - Awesome!

When I hopped in bed, I was already looking forward to a bit of a sleep in tomorrow.

That is it for now, until next time, be happy!

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