Friday 24 November 2017

Las Vegas 2017 Trip #2 Day #3

I had planned to go to the gym this morning for a work out but when morning arrived, I opted to stay in bed a little longer.
Probably not the wisest choice as the more I miss, the more I am likely to but what's done is done.
We met BN & JM at our front lobby meeting spot and hit the open road.
Our plan for today was to check out St George, Utah.

We hadn't had any breakfast before leaving so we stopped in Mesquite for a bite to eat.

I googled best places to eat and this 1880 Grille had good reviews so we headed there.

It ended up being inside this really gorgeous golf club.

I love the beams on the ceiling in the restaurant.

I think BN was dreaming about coming back here another time to golf.
He & JM are huge golfers.

We on the other hand are not.
We did think the club and the scenery was lovely though.
We were just happy that we had some breakfast on the way.

I had an omelet with marble rye toast.
I have been trying to choose protein filled options as opposed to the carb heavy ones I normally go for.

My Honey had the breakfast burrito.
He really liked it.
The food here was great and so was the service.
We were happy with our choice.

We had to check out the scenery from the back of the golf course.

There was a nice patio area outside.

The golf course was just steps away.

This is the front of the golf club.

It had this cool wagon on display out front.

This is the first pink/red cactus that I have ever seen. 

Some interesting plants too.
I wouldn't want to accidentally stumble into this spiky guy.

The vegetation is so different than what I am used to seeing back home but that is what makes it so interesting.

The golf club was at the back section of this residential area.  It looked like a retirement community for wealthier folks.
There were these rock walls built all along the area and I thought they looked so pretty.

Back out on the open road, made it to Arizona.

Right away the terrain changed and we were driving through these rocky mountains.

I missed the sign when we entered Utah but made sure not to miss the St. George one.

I thought the white church against the red back ground looked really nice.

Saw this "D" up on the hillside - haven't really figured out what it stands for?

I felt like an iced coffee so we stopped here.

Ordering up some goodies.
They were super friendly and helpful - gave us some ideas on things to see in town.
All of their products were all natural too - not that it would have stopped me from trying it if they were not.

I liked the color, shape and size of this mug.
And apparently this is an "affagato".
It is their home made gelato with espresso poured over it.
They had pumpkin spice gelato so I just had to try one.
They added caramel sauce and nuts and it was delicious.
My first ever affagato.
They had this little sign by all the coffee fixings.
I liked the little saying and the frame was great too.
There was a bicycle repair shop right next to the coffee place and they had some interesting artwork around.
This definitely looks like a place where people are into outdoorsy type activities.

This bike had a steam punk kind of look to it which I thought was neat.

The girls at the coffee shop suggested we check out this little place called Coyote Gulch.
It has little art shops and a cafe and it is kind of out in the middle of nowhere.

My handsome honey!

A whole park full of whirlygigs.

Love the door.
The backdrop was pretty stunning.

The homes look like they are part of nature - they blend right in almost.

Like chekc out this one - what a stunning view to wake up to every day.

My Honey again.

I heard some movement next to me and he was hard to notice at first but then I saw him.
Can you find the little critter in the picture?

Here he is.

My Honey & I.
We headed back into St George and saw a cute little fruit & vegetable stand so had to stop and check it out.

These pumpkins look so awesome - they would make great jack-o-lanterns.

They had a little gift shop next door too so of course I had to go in and have a look.

I love these little shops.
I want my forever home to be decorated in this homey, folk artsy, country style one day.
This table caugh my eye.

Love the cabinet

Love the "home" letters and the shelf they were sitting on.

I have a thing for little people and now that I am looking at this picture, I am not sure how they didn't end up coming home with me.

Onther cabinet that I loved.
I take lots of pictures so if I ever get around to building or making some of this stuff, I will have some ideas.

Love these lights - they are really the in thing right now.

So much cuteness everywhere.

I really love this old stove and I want one of them one day too - I want it to be in working order too.

Cherish Every Day - what a great message.
I liked the little "table" this clock was sitting on.

Another shelf idea - thoguht it would be easy to make.

Another great cabinet.

I liked this shelf too - I really like the bracket on the shelf.
I am looking for some of these for our new fire place mantel only on a much larger scale.

Our ride while we've been here and our chauffeur.

This is the outside of the fruit & vegetable stand.
Reminds me a lot of the one we went to in Kingston, NS as a child.

The trees are looking pretty fabulous here right now.
We saw another great little shop down the road so we went in to have a look at it too.

They had some great furniture pieces - like this awesome mirror.

This fountain and the little critter band were cute.

Metal cactus anyone?
This kind of stuff is cool but it's not something I would want for my place.

Looks like they get some lovely colors on their trees here too.

Next we checked out this Morman Temple.
They had gorgeous flower beds all around.

They have their nativity out already too.

It is a beautiful temple.
We couldn't go into it but we did check out the visitors center.

The gentleman in there gave us the whole history on how this temple was built.
It was quite a story and took quite a number of years.
They are very proud of it and they should be - it is gorgeous.

This looked like a cabbage in the flower bed but it also looked very pretty.

Another odd plant that I'd never seen before but also very nice.

I have a thing for trees especially when the colors are like this.

Another pretty tree - I am a sucker for them.

A side view of the gorgeous temple.
They told us at the visitor center that it is all lit up at night and looks especially beautiful, too bad we won't be here to see that.

My Honey did some googling and found a place for us to have some lunch.

Irmita's Casita

There was a cute little outdoor seating area.

They gave us sals and tortilla chips to start.
You could tell the chips were homemade and they were yummy.
The salsa was a little on the hot side for me.


My Honey & I

I ordered the taco salad.
It was delicious but I couldn't finish it.

Don't know what My Honey ordered but he really liked it.

Then we were back on the road headed for Vegas.

These mountains are pretty spectacular to see.

It was exciting to see what was in store for us around each corner.

I love the artwork they have on the highway.
This was the best picture I could get of these lizards without stopping.

Sunsets are always beautiful.
We walked over to Palazzo to pick up our tickets for our show tomorrow night when we got back to town.

They had this giant LOVE letters and they looked great.
We just missed the box office so we will have to come back for our tickets tomorrow.

All was not lost though because there was a Grimaldi's so we decided to go there for some supper.
We've been to the one in the Fashion mall but never this one.

I got the white pizza.

My Honey being silly.
He might get tired of me taking all these selfies of us but he never complains.

He ordered the pepperoni with red sauce.
I liked his better so I was happy that he was willing to share.

They have a Rolling Stone exhibit in the casino/hotel right now so they have this awesome display for advertisement.
(We never made it to the exhibit)

Another great day for steps.
18,147 steps in total - go April!
That's a wrap for today.
Until next time, be happy.


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