Thursday 9 November 2017

Weigh In Day.

Back at it this morning.
It is still hard getting up at 5 am but I am doing it!
Got 47 minutes in!!!

My face is red, my glasses are all fogged up  and I am totally sweaty but I feel awesome!

256 lbs
My hard work isn't really showing up at the scale but I'm not going to let that stop me.

My cousin & his lady welcomed a new baby girl into their family recently so I sent them out a little something for little Miss Q!

My Honey fired up his pizza oven and there was a hot one straight out of the oven sitting on the table for me when I arrived home for lunch.
It was so delicious - He has perfected pizza making as far as I am concerned.

When I got back to work I had some parcel sitting on my desk.
So exciting!
It was a couple of things I had ordered.
The first book in the Game of Thrones series.
I usually like the books better than the movies so I wanted to give it a try.
If I like it I will likely get the rest of the books.
I also ordered these bandelettes.
I like wearing dresses when we go to warm destinations but I alwasy end up having to wear shorts underneat because of chafing which kind of defeats the purpose.
So I am hoping these will do the trick.
I will try them out in Vegas next week and see how they work.

I had another lovely meal waiting for me when I arrived home from work.
Pork, mashed potatoes, peas and greek salad.
I love it when My Honey is on days off.
Mr BN sent me this picture today of their curling team.
Team Shock n Awe, ha ha!
My Honey gave up curling for a few years but now they got the old team back together - I think they will have a fun time.
I had curling tonight myself so after supper I headed over there.
It was a really close game tonight, They'd get 2, then we would, then they would.
It went back and forth like that but in the end with the very last rock we pulled out a win.
I did fall in the 5th end when I was getting up from throwing my rock and I banged my knee pretty hard.
It hurt so much but I was trying not to let it show.
I kept sweeping and when it came to my next turn to throw the rock I thought it would be ok but as soon as I knelt on my knee and slid out of the hack I knew I wasn't going to be able to throw anymore tonight.
So the other girls threw my rocks for me and I just swept for the rest of the night.
I sure hope this doesn't hamper my working out in the mornings!
I don't want an injury just as I am getting started.
I went home and took some ibuprofen and elevated it then put the heating pad on it when I went to bed.
Had some Facebook memories pop up today.

This was from a visit I made back to NS - I was visiting my dear friend DZ who had recently become a grandmother.
This is her darling little grandson here with her daughter (she is the auntie, not the mommy).
The couch in the back ground was mine when I lived there and I loved it - it was so comfy.
I gave it to her when I moved away.

Ms DZ and I took a drive out to Eastern Passage for the day.
Here she is!
I miss her, wished she lived closer.

Me and a giant moose.

Needed one of DZ with the moose.

This was the year my boy decided he wanted to leave Alberta and go back to NS to live with his dad.
I was saying good bye to him here and it was the hardest thing to do ever.
It had been him & I against the world for so long.
I felt like I had to let him try this thing out and thankfully after a year he was ready to come back home.
If he had wanted to stay there I am not sure what I would have done - likely I would have moved back myself but that didn't happen and here we are.
Now he loves it here so that makes me happy.

This is one of the first times I went out with the girls from work.
We went to a bar - I probably convinced them because I was on the hunt for My Honey.
I had a big crush on him but nobody knew at the time.
We didn't find him but we did have lots of fun.
This is Ms BH & I.

Ms SV, Ms NC/T and Ms BH.
Having a time!

This is an old one of Max when he was just a pup.

I bought Mr Jones to be a little friend for Max but Max wasn't interested in having a friend.
Max is very much a people dog, always has been and always will be.
Mr Jones on the other hand is more of a social dog and he is super ball crazy.
He lives with my brother now and has a companion, Sage, and they get along well so that's good.

A relative posted this old picture and it had me feeling kind of nostalgic.
My great uncle is third row from the top, second from the left.
He went off to fight in WWII and never came back home.

This is him here.
He was assumed lost in the battle of Normady.
He was only 22, so heartbreaking, he was just a baby really.
My bother is named after him and I have a cousin named after him as well.
I can see familly resemblences when I look at his picture.
At the end of the day, I am happy with my fitbit stats for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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