Thursday 23 November 2017

Las Vegas 2017, Trip #2 - Day #2

I was humming and hawing about working out this morning.  I wanted a rest day but thought if I started off my first day without going to the gym, it might set a precedent for the rest of the trip.
I finally settled on making today a rest day so when My Honey and I woke up, we went for a bit of a walk around.
We headed towards Mandalay Bay and we saw this cool piece in a shop window.
The entrance to this restaurant was cool too - I love that steam punk look.

We found a frozen yogurt place so guess what we had for breakfast!!!

I'd like to say that mine is the one covered in fruit but that would be lying.
I go for the chocolate everytime!
It was a really delicious way to start the day.

Vacation mode looks good on him.

I was excited about the yogurt ice cream.
While we were eating, a guy and two girls came over and gave us half a case of bottled water and an almost full case of orange soda.
They said they were heading out and couldn't use it - I thought it was really kind of them.

After our yogurt treat, we headed back to the lobby area of Luxor where we met up with BN & JM to go for breakfast.

We rented a car for our trip so we could get out and explore.

We headed to Jamm's for breakfast.
My Honey & I had eaten here before and liked it.

I had an omelet and hash browns.
It was really good.
It came with a pot of bread which is essentially a little dish of freshly baked bread, it is even still warm when it gets to the table.
I ordered the jalapeno kind so I could share with My Honey.

He had a breakfast sandwich of some sort - he said it was good.
They also had really great coffee.

Afterwards we headed to do a bit of shopping.
I was on the hunt for a new bra.
We ended up at a Walmart grocery store which of course wouldn't have bras but went in and checked it out anyway.

They had some cool chip flavors that I've never seen before.

Cheesy Garlic Bread

Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Popper
We ended up buying a bag of these later in the trip.
They were ok - I don't think I would get them again.

They also had......PUMPKIN SPICE CREAMER!!!
I love this stuff.
I had it years ago when we were in New York in November and I've been looking for it ever since.
For some reason it is not available in Canada (or at least not in Alberta).
I am coming back to get some of this the day we leave and taking it home with me.

They have so many flavors to choose from here.
These two caught my attention as well.
Peppermint Mocha and Coconut Cream.
I wonder how many I can fit in my bag to take home?

After we shopped a bit, we headed back to the hotel.
We had a bit of a refresher then we headed out to the strip to check out the memorial for the victims of the concert shooting last month.
We saw all the crosses last night on our way in and they were just covered in mementos.
It was dark out though so we wanted to see them in the light.

The Rock and Roll Marathon happened to be going on.

As we were walking toward the memorial, the runners started passing us.

Kudos to these guys.
They had names on the sides of the chairs so I wanted to shout out and encourage them but I suddenly got all choked up and couldn't.

Just look at them all coming.

There were so many runners, all shapes and sizes.
All different abilities too, some were jogging, some were running, some were walking and some were even in wheelchairs.
Lots of folks were dressed up, saw a few Elvis's even.
It was great to watch and I really want to be a part of it next year!

The runners were all stopping in at the iconic "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign to get pictures.
A few of the runners ended up asking me to take pictures of them at the sign and I happily obliged.

Got one of BN and JM too.

My Honey & I in front of the sign.
It was good we got it done that day because a few days later when we drove by, it was lined up right down the road.

Lots of selfie taking going on.
You can just see one of the Elvis's in the photo here.

There was a shrine of sorts at the bottom of the sign for the victims of the shooting.

It was very touching.

We were disappointed to see that the crosses had all been removed.
Guess we should have came down to check it out last night after all.
They did leave this one up so I was glad we got to see it at least.
The story of how the carpenter from Illinois just felt compelled to travel to Las Vegas, build these and set them up was very moving.
Such a great story.

There were memorials all over - this one was such a great idea.

The back of the famous Vegas sign.

There is the Luxor - our home away from home for this trip.


They really just take a theme and run with it - I love it.

We were walking back up the strip and the runners were still coming.
This is looking down at them from one of the walkways over the road.

We stopped at a place to have some supper.
We were laughing because the table was so high it was up past our chests.
We looked like little kids sitting at a grown up table.

My Honey & I fit the table a bit better but it was still kind of high and awkward.

I ordered myself a spicy bloody mary (virgin) and it was delish!

When we paid for our order, the waitress told us that we were entitled to a free ride on the mechanical bull if we were interested.

BN said he would do it.
I was shocked, it was kind of random but he was serious.

He named the bull "DIABLO" and here he is getting up into the saddle.

Getting into the bull rider state of mind.

He lasted a good 6 seconds maybe before he was tossed off gently rolled off.
It was pretty funny and props to him for doing it.

We headed back to the hotel and the frozen yogurt spot on the way to our room was still open so we had another.
This may become a thing.
It was just as delicious as the one I had earlier today.

Even though I didn't officially work out at the gym, I did meet all my fitbit goals.
I think 28,498 steps in one day is pretty darn good.
One thing we are very diligent about here is taking the stairs.
With all the walkways over the streets, there is lots of opportunity to walk up stairs and even though there are escalators as well, we ALWAYS choose the stairs.
I get quite winded at some of them but I don't let that stop me.
Well it was a great day and I am looking forward to our adventures for tomorrow.

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