Tuesday 18 December 2018

Organization Makes Me Feel So Good! (Nov.10, 2018)

I got up when My Honey left for work this morning.
I made myself a coffee and found myself a Christmas movie to watch.
The Holiday Calendar.
It was ok.

It did give me a great idea though to get a really nice advent calendar for Baby F that she can keep for years to come.
I liked the one they had on the show and I searched to see if I could find one for sale.
I found something similar but think I'm going to keep looking.

I made a "to do" list of things I wanted to accomplish today then I got to it.
I got laundry started, dishes washed and put away, sweeping and vacuuming done.
I got my beautiful new wreath I bought put up.

I had started some wooden Christmas Trees last year and I packed them away in the closet of my craft room so I wanted to get them out and finish them up this year.
My desk in there was overflowing again too so I wanted to clean it up.

I got that all done and my office is looking so good right now.
It's so much easier to work that way.
I stopped and had leftover chili for lunch.

I got all the trees set up on the table so I can get to painting them.
Then I got a couple of blog posts done.
That was the biggest thing I wanted to get done and I didn't get as much done as I wanted but I got a start.

I started another Christmas movie but didn't get to finish it.
I'll watch the rest in the morning.

By the time My Honey got home from work I had pretty much everything checked off my list which felt great.

He & I watched some of The Block before heading to bed.
I only have 2 more episodes of it left so I am hoping I can knock those out tomorrow.
Ha ha ha - that comment is everything!
(I'm not really against chasing waterfalls over wifi - the comment was just a clever reference and I love cleverness).
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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