Saturday 15 December 2018

Cowboy Country (Nov.4, 2018)

We slept in and hung around in the hotel room this morning.
It was nice to just relax and chill with no big agenda to get to.

I snapped another picture of the mountains from the hotel - what a view!

My Honey found another spot for us to try out for breakfast.

When we got there, it was an hour to hour & fifteen wait for a table so we said no at first but then we figured why not? We had nothing else planned so what the heck.
We put our names on the list.
Usually it doesn't take as long as they say and they text you when a table is ready so we could just walk around and check the area out.
There was only one store near by but it was for kids/babies so I was able to get Baby F a little hat with two pom poms.
Just like the one I'd seen at the craft show yesterday only this one wasn't wool so it wasn't scratchy.

There was a coffee shop nearby so we got coffee's and just sat and waited for a text.

They had Alfajores too so I had to try one.

It was kind of like a sugar cookie filled with dulce de leche and rolled in coconut.
It was good.

It took longer than the hour fifteen which was unusual but eventually we got a text that a table was ready.

I couldn't really decided what I wanted and picked an omelet with salmon and dill in the end.

It was good but not what I really wanted.

I had a taste of My Honey's and it was delicious.

Just a random electrical box we happened to drive by.

From there we found a Costco - I needed to pick up movie pass.

Next we found a Lindt store.
I wanted to pick some up to fill a jar then sell tickets on to raise money for the adopt-a-family program in town.
I ended up buying a bag for myself as well.

There was a second hand store nearby - Junk in the Trunk - so we went there to look for more "tree" material.
I found a few things - it's going to be hard to cut up these perfectly good items but also I can't wait to get to it.

We had reservations at Longview Steakhouse tonight at 7 so we hit the road and headed to Longview.

My handsome chauffeur.

It was a nice drive with the view of the mountains off in the distance.

The sun was setting and it looked so pretty.

We stopped to take some pictures but you just can't capture the awesomeness.

We tried though.

They are really amazing to see and the closer you get, the more awesome they are.

We took a selfie of course.

I snapped one of my love too.

We got to Longview around 5, it's a small little town, cute place.

We went to the famous Beef Jerky place.

It's on the Alberta Cowboy Trail.

This giant cowboy silhouette makes it really stand out so you won't forget it if you've been by it.

We each picked a kind to try.
My Honey chose regular and I got ginger beef.
The regular was delicious, the ginger beef was way to spicy for me.

We also tried some pepperoni.

There wasn't really anything else to do there so we took a drive over to High River.

We found Maggie's General Store where they do some filming for Heartland -

That was neat to see.

Then we headed back to Longview Steakhouse.

We went in a little before our 7 pm reservation but they sat us right away.

We had a great seat at the window and had it been light out, the view would have been beautiful.

For appetizers, we ordered escargot  (I've never seen it served like this before).

We also had the crab cake.

I tried the parsnip/pear soup.
It was good.

My Honey had the salad.
Since they are known for their steaks, we both ordered steaks for our meals.

I ordered the bacon wrapped tenderloin.
It was melt in your mouth tender.

My Honey got the NY Strip and it just had the best flavor.
I preferred it over the tenderloin.

Even though I was full, when they mentioned that they had bread pudding, I had to order one to try so we shared that.
The meal was expensive but it was a really nice experience.

The service was excellent and it had a really nice ambience about it.

They have a few rooms they rent out too so I'd like to maybe come back in the summer and stay a night.

We had a bit of a drive so we got right on the road after supper.

We saw a huge accident scene but the roads were pretty good until about halfway to Red Deer on Highway 2.
Then it was like an ice skating rink.

We slid around on the highway a bit and after that I was a nervous wreck.
It's a really busy highway and people were just blowing past us with no regard for the awful conditions.

I asked My Honey to get off at the next exit because I needed a bit of a breather and to regroup.

I knew I couldn't take the stress of staying on the highway the rest of the hour long drive to Red Deer.
So we got out google maps and hit the range roads.

They are just gravel roads but they weren't icy or busy so we travelled them all the way to Red Deer.
It took us an extra hour on top of the original hour to get there but we arrived safe and sound and that was cool with me.

We got a room at the Hampton in Gasoline Alley which we'd stayed at before.
It was a really nice room and the bed was even more comfortable than the what we had at the Hilton.

Totally me nowadays!

My sister found another animal blanket that the boys had so she is going to send it in a parcel to our niece Miss M so she doesn't feel left out seeing as both Miss A and Mr H both got the last hand me down ones.

So going to try this!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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