Saturday 15 December 2018

Happy Halloween! (Oct.31, 2018)

I was finally down a little below where I was pre-trip so I was happy about that.
258 lbs.
It's nice to see a number below 260.

I had a meeting at 10 this morning so I missed out on coffee break.
BL brought homemade eatmore bars too that his wife had whipped up so it was probably for the best.
Those things are hard to resist.

My Honey was nice enough to cook a piece of chicken up for me and have it ready for when I got home for lunch.
I had a salad kit with the chicken on it as usual.
My go to lunch.
I asked him to make Adobo Chicken for supper and he was on it!!
Work went by fast this afternoon.

My Honey got busy at home and carved out his pumpkin.
I still need to do mine when I get home.
It's little so it shouldn't take long.
I finally got emails sent to the field today about our 50/50 draw to raise money for the local adopt-a-family.
I'm a little later than last year but we'll still get 6 weeks of fund raising in.
I didn't have Bristol board to put up the sheets of squares so I stopped and picked those up on the way home.

As soon as I got home, I got busy carving my baby pumpkin.

My Honey got everything else prepared for the trick or treaters.

We are ready for them to start showing up!

My Honey made the adobo chicken that I wanted and it was delicious.

Baby F looks darling as a lady bug.

She even looks happy to be in the costume!

They didn't take her out and I didn't make it over there to see her so I am glad they posted a picture.

Miss H had a cute little costume as well!

Mr H and Miss A dropped down to visit their big sister, Miss M at work - she was happy to see them.

They stopped up at our place next.

Miss A made a beautiful unicorn.

Mr H was Ranger from the Paw Patrol.
The little ears and the tail were my favorite.

I gave them their special treat bags then Mr H was anxious to get going.
He knows what it's all about this year so he was excited.

We normally don't get many kids.

Our neighbor dropped by first thing - he was looking good.

Then I had a little princess on a unicorn drop by.

Her parent were dressed up as minions and they looked awesome.
I love it when people get right into Halloween, it's so fun.

It was actually a nice night out here in town if you compare it to other years so that was good.
I was happy because the little Trick or Treaters are usually freezing their butt's off.
They have to bundle up so much that you can't really even see their costumes.

My sister sent pictures of the boys in their costumes.

Mr D is rocking the ghost costume.

Mr E looks great too although I'm not entirely sure what he is, I'm thinking maybe a ninja of some sort.
She said they were finished after an hour and wanted to go home.

They still got quite the haul though.

This was my favorite part of Halloween when I was little, sorting out my goodies.

Family back home were posting pictures of all the kiddos in their costumes.

I saw Mr C in his costume when I was home in PEI - I still think he make a pretty good little clown.

My cousins littles all ready to go in their costumes!
I love seeing them all.

We really didn't get that many kids, I think we got around 20 total for the night.
We don't normally get many so that wasn't a surprise.
We were a little bummed though because we love seeing the kids in their costumes.

We left the pumpkins lit right until 9 in case there were any stragglers then we called it a night and hit the hay.
I was falling asleep on the couch - I just can't seem to get enough sleep lately.

More t-shirt ideas.

The list of Hallmark movies for 2018 - I'm going to try to tick as many of these off the list as I can.

Ha ha - I'd like to know where exactly this sign is and why it was necessary to post it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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