Saturday 15 December 2018

When the Computers are Down, So are We! (Nov.1, 2018)

I got our 50/50 boards put up first thing this morning as soon as I got to work.

The morning started off busy until about 8:30 when all of our computers went down.

Apparently the issue was province wide for the company so we all headed down to the coffee break area and chatted for awhile.
Technology is great but when it isn't working, neither are we. 😉

It didn't get back up and running until almost 10 am so we had a super long coffee break this morning!

After that, it was meeting time for me.

My Honey sent me this picture of Paddington all stretched out on the couch.

I had to cut one short so I could run the truck to My Honey.
He was taking it to WCT to get winter tires put on.

I stopped at the store on the way and grabbed a couple salad kits.
I ran into my niece there getting a few groceries so I gave her a drive home then picked up My Honey so he could drop me back to work.

I had lunch at my desk today.
It was pretty darn good.
I think I need to buy some shares in the salad kit company.

After lunch, I had two more meetings right in a row.
They took up most of my afternoon which was nice because it made the afternoon fly by.

I got a ride home with BN since My Honey was still not home.

I had left over Adobo chicken and mashed potatoes for supper before heading to our monthly FCSS meeting.
Mom came as well.

Afterward we stopped over to visit Baby F.
We are going away for the weekend so I wanted to see her before we left.

I also wanted to drop Miss Z's Halloween treat bag to them so they could give it to her.
I forgot to bring my camera so no new pics of Baby F today.

She was sleeping peacefully the whole time so we didn't disturb her.
We finally decided to head home and just as we got our coats on, she woke up.
So of course I just had to sit back down and cuddle with her a bit.

She is looking so chunky and healthy and darling.
I could hold her and stare at her all day long.

Her head is much stronger and she can hold it up pretty good now.
The Doctor has been encouraging Miss H to lay Baby F on her belly but she just doesn't like to be on her belly at all.
She'll get there though, I have no doubt.

When I got back home, I worked on getting some pictures uploading on the blog.
I am falling behind again, it happens every time after we go on a vacation.

I also visited with My Honey for a little before calling it a night.

Paddington made sure to get some cuddles in with him too.
I think he misses him just as much as I do when he isn't home.

I really love this sign - I so want to get the garage cleaned out so I can have a workshop of sorts and get to making all of these things I want to.

I thought this would be a cute idea to put on the wall at work.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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