Saturday 15 December 2018

Back Home We Go! (Nov.5, 2018)

Unfortunately, we couldn't have a sleep in today.

I had to get to the St Albert office and I wanted to be on the road by 7 am.
It was 7:03 when we rolled up to the Tim Horton's.
We got coffees and Bagel BELT sandwiches and hit the road.

My Honey was a little gun shy after the roads last night so we hit up the back highway but after about 20 minutes or so, we thought we'd give the main highway a try again.  We could always pop back off if it was too icy.

It ended up being fine and My Honey dropped me off at the St Albert office just after 9 am.
I had my annual performance review with my boss, BB.
It's weird to have your performance review with someone that you don't really see that often but it went well.

I had some other work to do afterwards so I found an office and went to work.
It's nice to get there to that office every now and then and catch up with the girls there.
I worked until about 1:30 then texted My Honey to come get me.

I had a few things to do in the city and I wanted to get home before dark.
We picked up the painting/picture that NTC had bought when we were in last weekend on our girls trip.

We stopped at Famosa in Spruce Grove for lunch/supper.

We got to sit at "our" table for once - it's been a long time.

I never noticed these faux beams before - I like them.

I ordered my Cavolleti

It did not disappoint - it never does.

My Honey got his new favorite, Meat Lovers.

BN was raving about Cobbs bakery - someone had brought some to the office today and he couldn't stop eating it.

So My Honey figured why not get him some more.
So we got a box of cinnamon rolls and a box of assorted pastries for me to take to BN at the office tomorrow.

I couldn't resist the delicious smells in there and had to get a white chocolate raspberry scone which I shared with My Honey.

They make the best scones.
I also got a lemon blueberry one to take home for mom.

I needed to get a few groceries but just didn't feel like stopping so we just headed straight for home.

On the way, BH called me to let me know that NCT's father passed away early this morning.
I was shocked, it just happened so fast.

It was only last Friday that he went into Pallative care at the hospital and they'd figured at the time that he had about 3 months.

Her dad was a very well respected man here in town.
A true gentleman and I always really liked him.
He will be missed.

We got home around 5:30 and we got everything hauled in the house and put away.

I don't know what it is about suitcases but Paddington just loves them.

Awe, he's doing the sad puppy dog face.

I wanted to put the clothes away but how could I make this cute little face move?

Professor Snuggles had to come check things out too.

Then he got on his cat tree and he was standing there in the funniest way.

What a little goofball he is.

I had to head to the curling rink for 7.

It was our first night back.
SM isn't going to curl this year so AM joined SH and KS and I as our official new team mate.
It was a good game, really close but we pulled out a win at the end.

It went until 9:20 so it was a long game.
I was worried that the sweeping would aggravate my shoulder which had been giving me a bit of grief but it didn't seem to.

I was so hot and sweaty and my glasses were all fogged up but then when I got home, I suddenly got cold and I felt like I was chilled right to the bone.

It's hard to warm up from that sometimes but My Honey had turned the heating blanket on for me and that got me warmed up nice & toasty when I got in bed.

Miss H posted a picture of Baby F having playtime with her baby friend.

And cuddle time with her mama.

That is all for today, until next time be happy!

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