Tuesday 18 December 2018

Perspective Changes Everything. (Nov.8, 2018)

When I got to work, I got started right away on running my month end reports.
I should have had them sent out by now but I've been so busy that I haven't been able to get to them.
Of course other things kept popping up so I didn't get them done as quickly as I liked.
Everyone met for coffee break and I was able to make it today.
I had to leave right on time though because I had a meeting scheduled.
I've been having a lot of meetings lately and they sure use up time.

By lunch I was feeling like I was getting nowhere with my month end reports so I went home, grabbed a salad kit and took it back to work with me.
BH & SV were concerned about NCT because memorial service planning isn't as far along as perhaps it should be by this point.
So they are helping out, SV is going to take over the food preparation and BH is going to help make a power point slide show.
I offered to make a giant roaster of chili as well.
I'd like to go over early the day of the funeral to help but I'm feeling swamped at work and am not sure if I'll be able to get away.
I worked hard at my reports and was able to get them done by the end of the day.
However, when I went to send them out, the filters on the spreadsheets would not work.
I was so deflated.
I tried everything to fix them, even ran one of them again but no luck.
By the end of the day I gave up and closed them out.
I am hoping when I come back in the morning they will magically be working.
NCT and her hubby, KT, dropped by the office with pictures of her dad for the slide show.
BH was making it for them and I helped take pictures of the pictures she had brought in.
I did it once before and it's much easier than scanning them and cropping and all that that involves.
This is her dad and her mom.

Her mom and dad again with her son.
She has lost both of her parents now - it's a reminder to the rest of us to be thankful for the loved ones we are still fortunate enough to have with us.
We sat in BH's office for an hour working at it.
Afterwards, I stopped at the store to pick up the ingredients for chili.
SV was making a pot at the community center but I needed to go home to have access to all my spices.
I got an electric roaster from her then went home at got started.
I also found some instrumental music that would be good background music for the memorial service and downloaded it.
I was still making it when My Honey arrived home.
I hadn't even eaten any supper yet.
He cooked up a frozen pizza.  It was the thick crust kind and it looked so good.
I had to have a little conversation with myself because I really wanted some.
I feel like I've been being so careful about what I have been eating and I'm not really getting anywhere so why bother.
Also, we are heading out on vacation again next week so I might as well just eat what I want from now until I get back since it's going to be bad anyway.
But that is the kind of thinking that gets me in trouble.
So I talked myself over that.
Instead, I had a little bowl of the chili and I cut a sliver off of one slice of pizza to satisfy my craving for it and it did the trick.
After supper, we took the pot of chili down to the community center and put it in the fridge there.
SV will take care of warming it up tomorrow.
It was 9:30 by then so we got home and hit the hay.

I look much thinner from this angle - if I could just always be seen from this angle then I would feel much better about my weight.
Perspective makes such a difference.

More ideas to add to my "to try" list for when I get a dedicated crafting space.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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